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1/23/2025 3:22:50 AM

Exotic Trials/Nightfall weapons.

With the new rework of Trials of Osiris and the new reward system, I’ve been thinking why haven’t there been exotic weapons made for Trials and Grandmaster NFs yet? Yes adepts are a great reward for that higher tier of content, but what if you had something else to chase instead of just adepts and mementos. Each playlist should have on exotic that is specifically tailored to the mode (doesn’t mean it has to only useable in that mode). Say for instance the GM weapon has a certain perk that allows for increased damage and health when you are the last remaining player alive, or even have armor if with a perk similar to Destiny 1’s Light Beyond Nemesis/Crest of Alpha Lupi with the faster revive while in GM content. The trials weapon could be something like granting maxed out AE on the weapon when last alive. Or come up with new perks for each weapon/armor for the modes. Give us something rare to chase in these modes instead of just the normal adept weapons we’ve been chasing for years.



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