I know it has been said time, time, time and again. But the drop rates for anything in this game are terrible. All I want is one stupid shader, but after playing over 100 Iron Banner matches this season, do I have it? Of course not. Why would we give the players things they want when we can just reskin all the old content and pass it off as new. Bungie has stopped caring about players.
由UchihaSasuke696編輯: 1/19/2025 1:24:24 PMThe outrageous drop rates are by design. They want you to play for as long as possible so they can show investors that player retention numbers are up.
Shader drop rates for IB have always sucked. If I were to guess you're looking to get Iron Bone, would I win a free trip to Maui?
[quote]I know it has been said time, time, time and again. But the drop rates for anything in this game are terrible. All I want is one stupid shader, but after playing over 100 Iron Banner matches this season, do I have it? Of course not. Why would we give the players things they want when we can just reskin all the old content and pass it off as new. Bungie has stopped caring about players.[/quote] Now try going flawless and trying to grind a decent roll adept weapon play 193 total matches in that weekend and get 1 adept drop every like 3 wins (if your lucky) and the adepts that do drop are absolute garbage and at the end of the weekend u have like 56 adept drops that are all terrible and almost all of them have the same 2 terrible perks in both columns
I was hoping for some emblem drops as there are a few I don’t have. Played enough to reset IB rank twice and gild the seal but only got one, on my second last match.
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] Sorry to hear you didn’t get the shader you want. I think if you dismantle iron banner armor sets you have a higher chance at getting shaders to drop. (Not confirmed but something I believe is in the game for some reason.)
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They really are brutal, I need the Lightkin gauntlets for my Titan & the Lightkin helmet for my Warlock to complete all of the seasonal armor sets so I'm just running Dares repeatedly those weeks & this is the second straight rotation of trying to get what I need with no luck. I have only gotten 3 or 4 pieces (didnt need) from that set to drop at all from close to 40 runs...if its on rotation that week it should be dropping more than that I feel like.