Hi, I'm reporting a bug for the Quest Legacy://Choir:Eternal
I've already gotten all of the Command Frames from the Secret Chest. However, due to that, the part on the quest specifically stating to Secret Chest Opened has not been triggering. Thus preventing me from completing the quest.
I've ran this about four times on expert mode and done all the secret chest collection step by step via youtube videos. Even so it still doesn't check off/complete the Secret Chest Opened.
I've chatted with a bunch of other people and they've said the same thing. That their quest is bugged.
And yes I've completed all the NES quests
Hey there. There are 7 chests in the activity, as per the related triumphs.
Chest 1 is the one that activates the transit network. Chests 2, 4 and 6 are the intrinsic perk chests, accessed at the first conflux, before the midboss. Chests 3, 5 and 7 are the catalyst chests, accessed before the final boss. You've got 6/7 so you already know much of this, I am sure.
The 'first' chest that Choir: Eternal is looking for, is the 'first catalyst chest' (poor wording on the quest itself), which is Chest 3, 'Gatekeeping'. This is the one chest that you are missing, out of the 7. As you can imagine, the wording of 'first' has lead a lot of people to believe the quest is bugged, but we're typically able to get people on the right track once they report it here.
After you enter the second conflux portal, it is the portal directly ahead of you, that leads you to Chest 3's puzzle. Complete that, and you'll finish the first catalyst quest. Doesn't need to be on Expert, normal is fine. As you've already opened the 'second' and 'third'. chest (Chest 5, and Chest 7) you will autocomplete the other two catalyst quests when you visit Banshee.
If you believe you've done Gatekeeping before, repeatedly, would you be able to make a video of you doing it? Or some screenshots of the chest at least.