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由tchakael編輯: 1/1/2025 8:19:02 AM

PVP unplayable, constant disconects, error codes and lag (beetle, anteater, calabreze)

Title ^ game 1 of control half the enemy team disconnects and 2 of our team as well, everyone is unkillable and lagging across the map, end up getting error code beetle game 2 everyone is lagging across the map, unkillable and zones are uncapturable, 4 enemy players get booted, 1 of our team is booted then i get error code calabrese followed by a hour timeout people are even getting booted from the tower en-mass make it make sense. p.s. its not an issue on my end, everyone else in the lobbies have the issue, and the issues do not persist in any other game, only d2



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