One major issue with the current armor mod system is lack of space to slot differing mod types. You can use the niche utility mods or ones that help your weapons if you want, but doing so generally means you're only hurting your gameplay, as you won't have the majorly beneficial ones that dominate the system.
So, I propose a solution; allow players to combine mods together to save slot spaces in armor for different mods. Armor mods are already balanced around a "cost to effectiveness" ratio, meaning you intentionally cannot stack more than a certain number of the most useful mods, so Imo this wouldn't throw off any sort of balance.
[u]Here's how it works[/u]:
With an armor mod already slotted, select another mod while hovering over that slot and they will be combined in a stack. The energy cost will be updated on the last selected mod (top of stack) to reflect the new cost of the total stack. Hovering over the slot with the cursor will display all equipped mods in that slot. Stacking multiple of the same mod would simply update the title so it is easier to read.
[b]Example of what similarly stacked mods could look like:[/b]
• (1x) 15% Standard Solar Resist [2 energy]
• (2x) 25% Enhanced Solar Resist [4 energy]
• (3x) 30% Ultimate Solar Resist [6 energy]
[b]Example of what different stacked mods could look like:[/b]
- Standard Arc Resist (2 energy)
- Enhanced Lucent Blades (4 energy)
- Enhanced Kinetic Reserves (4 energy)
Total Energy: 10 (represented as normal in top right corner of mod)
A stack could be visualized either as a color change based on the number of stacked mods (ex: 1x dark gray > 2x light gray > 3x white), or as if they mods are literally in a stack, with the edges of previously selected mods appearing underneath, like a deck of cards.
To remove a single mod in the stack, press Square / X, for controller to deselect the lastest applied mod, and to remove the stack, press Triangle / Y or manually deselect the mod stack
[b]Other Armor Mod Improvement Sugestions:[/b]
• reduce Power Preservation cost to 2-1 energy
• create an additional mod slot specifically for Fastball, reduce cost to 0 energy (maybe other similar mods could be integrated into this slot at a later time)
• reduce Shield Break Charge cost to 2 energy
• reduce costs of Charged Up to 2-1 energy
• reduce cost of Sniper Resist, Melee Resist, and Concussive Dampener to 2 energy
• drastically increase the damage resistance provided by Emergency Reinforcement (make it something like 30-50% resist, maybe more)
• reduce the cost of Stacks on Stacks to 2 energy
• reduce the cost of Elemental Charge to 2 energy
• change Empowered Finish to always grant armor charge on finisher kills (not just when you don't have any), implement a short (~3s) cooldown for balance and allow it to be equipped with yellow finisher mods for a longer cooldown (~5s)
• do something about all the minimally useful yellow finisher mods, maybe allow them to be used together, or combine them with similar mods (ex: explosive finisher combines with bomber)
• increase the minimum and maximum gains for Kickstart mods (ex: 25% ability energy min, 67% max) and reduce the max scaling with armor charges (ex: max benefit is with 3 armor charges, refund progresses as 25% at 1x, 46% for 2x, 68% at 3x)
• make Font mods more interesting. Several ideas for this, they could provide a flat bonus recharge rate that stacks with stats (instead of one that scales with tier), increase ability damage or utility, share the effects with team members, or any number of things