Hello everyone, I had an idea, it was to create a community event like the Eliksni Quarter with resources from around the world or others to rebuild the old Tower, which has been in this state for a long time.
Of course it will be necessary to add areas in the old Tower for the wanderer, ada, saint 14 and the other characters (who could arrive in the future).
But it's just an idea that has been working on my mind for a while and I admit that it took me a while to post my idea even though I know that many people were asking the same question.
And I hope that Bungie will see the post if it is possible to create an event, to show how we want to redo the old Tower before Frontier.
You've made 2 basic errors here... 1. You made a reasonable & positive suggestion about something you'd like to see in D2. 2. You posted it on this cesspool forum of negative, trolling basement dwellers who attack everything.
1 回覆
由JazzyPaladin477編輯: 12/1/2024 5:32:27 AMlol Destiny is being kept on life support just until they can shift all your addicted a55es over to marathon. Seriously they think that is going to happen. lol.lolololololooololol.
Play D1. It’s still there. 🤣🤣🤣 D2 is a complete disaster anyway. This company is also toast! 🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely nothing here but a shamble mess of shallowness!
由Olórin編輯: 12/1/2024 10:11:11 PMThis would honestly be a better DLC than Lightfall. Give House of Light some actual threads too, White on Blue colours or something, stop having these Eleksni Baby mummas with spears guard the tower. Quarters for House of Light, Cabal, Reef fighters and Have it be our new base of operations instead of the H.E.L.M. All factions will be able to have their own respective bounties and Vendors for Faction related weapons (Eido selling Fallen Seasonal weapons, Caiatl selling Cabal related seasonal weapons, Mara for Reef weapons, Osiris Selling Vex related - etc). A Gun range/weapons testing facility similar to the Leviathan's. An actual Vanguard tower with the Three main Vanguard members (like D1) with actual activity related bounties tied to each one. (Ikora = Raids/Dungeons, Zavala = Strikes/GM's, Crow = Reconnaissance Missions/Lost Sectors/General World Bounties). A place for Shaxx, Trials, Iron Banner and Drifter x Eris for Gambit. And most importantly, a section for Crafting. All of this being able to toggle Private landing or Public.
Unfortunately games hit end of days, it's winding down. Last year had 4 seasons, this year has 3, next year has 2. Next year's seasonal stories are being used as tiny dlcs & the big dlc scrapped. Top journos like Jason schrierer claim to have spoken to bungie & sony execs & said destiny is in its death spiral & we'll only see the layoff results from frontiers onwards when things get considerably lighter than before.
Honestly, they should destroy the tower and make a new player campaign around it, giving a logical narrative entry point while putting them on a similar story neat to everyone else. The tower is definitely a dated social space that could both be made more efficient and interesting. I do not think the old tower is the solution.
They will never do another Community Event again. The few they tried all were received negatively in some way. And we all know Bungie. Instead of trying to improve on something with potential, it's better just to give up on it.
That would really cool and it's been a while since there was a massive community event to kind unite people and stuff. I would like to put in a request that at the midway point of rebuilding we get a giant tow winch and drag the helm down the side of the wall.