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10/31/2024 5:50:48 PM

Softlocked from earning Iconoclast since July

Hi. Since the week Iconoclast was available in-game, I have been softlocked from earning it. The week my fireteam cleared our last one before getting the title (when all master challenges were available), everyone got their final lore book but me. I've earned all raid mods and all collectibles throughout (and double-checked), however am missing one lore book. This is a long-term problem that I've posted on this forum before, have received one luke-warm response, and the bug never reached the known issues list. Attached is a tweet that has some images that at the very least supports what I'm saying, including the triumph page and my mods page. I have more tweets about it. You can also browse my character's collection. TL;DR: I have everything for the raid title, but I am 7/8 on lore book pages. Despite having all the mods and all the collectibles, I cannot get the last lore book despite doing every step of the way alongside clanmates. [spoiler]if this does not get resolved, i will drive into the highway median. please help me.[/spoiler] Thanks.



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