Game Suggestions Fusion Boss Damage Vault and more
Game suggestions
: Exotics Fusion/Combine Skill Tree Node placement
Class item Make a single one for us to fuse the perks we have unlocked into it clearing vault space or Update and have it auto change and unlock the ones we have.
Ergo Exotic 1 Special Sword To fuse/Combine The Perks Unlocked fuse and use a skill tree to choose what perks to use (Press Y opens menu select select Subclass (Void/Solar/Arc) Frame/ Intrensic Perk and it saves back out and changes to what you saved
Helmet / Chest / Arms / Legs 1 cosmetic affect changing how the exotic works, saving vault space Or a Exotic Node to you the exotic Perk but keep the cosmetic style of character
: Fusion (2 of the same weapon, perks exchange)
Inter-changeable perks with the same weapon
If enhancement cost more. Cost glimmer 1,000 for the duo fusion. Each perk changes with the gun u fuse with like crafting. You done the grind and just help clear vault space and make the roll your after. After fusion it eats the other gun combining the too together.
If you don’t understand the concept of Duo Fusion? Here is a example. Think of dead space. A perk is a node, you change that node with another perk from the same gun that you have 2 of and switch all the perks or 2 or 1 and can do it endless times. If getting rid of crafting this would be the better option to take its place, than enchantment making farming and doing the same thing over and over worth while. Making that so called crafting what it should had been since Throne World!!
: Boss Damage Indication in the encounter
Pull out ghost and has fire team damage for boss encounter toggle on screen in option settings Boss encounter damage fireteam/or just your own
: Ghost Sparows to be single item Cosmetic skin
Remove all ghost vehicular and have only one. If unlocked it’s usable.
:Vault Filter
Show only
: Auto light Atument
Light on all gear goes Up with your Light Cap.
Sick of levelling each gun, gear to point I can use it… enough!! If it’s 2000 or at pinnacle light !! Leave it at that. Your grid light and drop light each season is a joke. Stop it!
: Game Mode PVE Prisoner of Elders
For onslaught
As it was For Destiny 1
For PVP Gambit but how fast you do the mechanics as a team a race with raid mechanics like Pantheon
Game Mode Pantheon, Rotating Raids For Extra Spoils Sharding Unwanted Raid Weapons Convert to spoils. Getting rid of guns to buy or unlock something we want would be helpful.
: Amour Fusion Change where Stats Are. Lock the ones your happy with and move the extra 11 points in to movement or your choice. Like the Old sims
Focusing On onslaught weapons should only drop that gun… IF, if rng so chooses to drop another random gun so be it. Don’t change the gun I am after if you won’t let me fuse the guns to make the one I’m after.!