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8/7/2024 5:09:25 AM

Destiny 2: Back to the plague lands(not canon)

Location: Earth Atmosphere Ghost: Guardian I am picking up a distress signal inside the plague lands Unknown signal: *static*....HELP!...DYING" The guardian and his ghost put their jump ship to full speed and head to Old Russia Moments later.... The guardian jumps out of his ship and gets his scout rifle loaded. "Ghost can you trace the signal?"- guardian Ghost: I'm trying to it's very faint. Unknown signal: *static*... RUNNING OUT OF TIME, THE CORRUPTION SPREADING!" Ghost: The signal... It's... Guardian: What? GHOST: Guardian watchout!! The shock rifle cracks the Guardian uses his stealth dodge. He is invisible for now... The eliksni Vandal drops down searches the area. The guardian jumps onto the Vandal, stabs it in the neck. Guardian: now we dealt with that, what were you saying about the signal ghost? Unknown signal: RUNNING OUT OF TIME, RUNNING OUT OF- In the distance a loud explosion is heard. Guardian: Ghost where was that? Pinpoint that now! Ghost: It's near the... Guardian: Where!? Ghost: the Devil's lair... Another explosion, this time much bigger Unknown signal: *STATIC* NEED HELP THE CORRUPTION SPREADS THE CORRUPTION- SIGNAL LOST the guardian(Hunter class) and ghost sprint as fast as they can to see what happened SOMETIME LATER... OLD RUSSIA, DEVIL'S LAIR The guardian and ghost reach the site of the two explosions, there they find 2 cases, blown open, remnants of red pulsating SIVA veins Ghost: I'm analyzing this, this device, is or WAS a container holding SIVA and then it exploded. Only question is, who was transporting it here. Guardian: we need to find out, but at least those were the only 2 explosions here. Unknown Signal: *STATIC* ARCHON KEEP, ARCHON KEEP, CORRUPTION STANDSTILL, CORRUPTION- SIGNAL LOST ghost: Guardian get on your sparrow, we are going to archon keep to find out who is creating that signal. The guardian hops on his sparrow, pushing on the gas pedal fluctuating in speed, speeding by devil splicers as they shoot at him. Moments later.... OLD RUSSIA, ARCHON KEEP UNKNOWN SIGNAL: *FALLEN CHATTER*, IN TROUBLE, SPLICERS FIND US, CORRUPTION FIND US. Ghost: there it is that's where the signal is coming from. The guardian walks, trying to avoid the splicers, some kind of device in the archon keep, the guardian gets closer Guardian: ghost, there are people in there... Only thing is what are the devil splicers doing with them? The device has multiple people in there, one is talking through a device. Unknown Signal: OUT OF TIME, IN PAIN, THE CORRUPTION IT- GHOST: guardian we need to plan this o- The guardian jumps down and cast his super. His purple bow casting a bright arrow of light, the fallen get tethered. Guardian: ghost scan this prison device, find a way for me to break it. *Fallen war cry* A devil splicer captain running at the guardian with its two fists trying to hit the guardian. The guardian dodges him. Then shoots him with his scout rifle. Ghost: I found a way to set them free. Just RIP the lever off, it will release them, but the device will blow in 1 minute after doing so. The guardian runs over to the device Guardian: these damn splicers The guardian rips the lever. Unknown signal: DETONATION IN 60 SECONDS The freed people looking confused at the guardian. Guardian: come with me we need to get out of here!! The guardian, ghost, and the people run. The guardian contacts Zavala. Guardian: Zavala, I rescued some people from the plague lands, need help to get them out asap. Zavala: what are people doing in Splicer territory, nevermind, run them to the devil's lair closes we can send back up. The guardian and the people run to the devil's lair while being shot at trying to avoid the SPLICERS. A pickup ship waiting for them with some red Jack bots insuring their protection. Ghost; well we figured that out. Guardian: yes we did and we are hopefully never coming back here. The pickup ship with the red Jack bots and the saved people leave to the last city on earth The guardian and ghost get in their jump ship and peacefully make it back to the last city on earth. THE END FIRST TIME DOING A STORY LIKE THIS WAS BORED AS HELL AGAIN SO I KILLED SLME TIME THIS IS NOT CANON.



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