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7/26/2024 1:45:05 AM

The "Guardians" history

After playing Destiny 1 and 2 for over a decade if not more I've come to realize that we know absolutely nothing about our own character. I mean throughout Destiny 1 and 2 we've basically learned all about pretty much all the characters in the game enemies and allies cause in the seasons and dlc's we end up delving into their past but throughout this franchises life the one person's past/history we've never delve into is our own, I mean all we really know when Ghost turned us into a "Guardian" in the Cosmodrome is that he'd been looking for us for a long time and that for some reasons we met some unknown conditions to be reborn. Honestly our character is probably the last and greatest mystery in the game.
#lore #destiny2



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  • We know a little because in d1 everyone starts in a flight suit look armor set so we could've been a pilot or something But most likely we were a researcher or colonist in the Exodus program



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  • The Guardian is Dr. Shim. There you go.



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  • Who our Guardian was before they revived is inconsequential. They lived, they died. Simple as.



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  • I think it's because bungie intended for us to insert your own background for your character. We can infer that we were refugees fleeing from the collapse since our body was found just outside the exodus ship launch area, and we were surrounded by cars and skeletal remains. Although this does get more confusing if your playing an Awoken since they weren't made till after the collapse and didn't return back to earth till sometime after the 1st guardians were made.



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    • Back in D1 there was a setup to dive into our background. In Taken King there was some dialogue from Ghost about how we were abnormal, he couldn’t read our mind. Just like how were we abnormally strong and could beat enemies that powerful Hero guardians couldn’t. For a long time everything was canonically attributed to one Guardian then with New Light it became different Guardians and their strength was explained by the Traveler waking up and empowering Light. That was also when they started setting up The Darkness, which they admitted when base D2 released they didn’t know what it was still. So I find the timing to be the answer, my speculation is: As Darkness was originally corrupted Light, our Guardian was likely a champion of Darkness that died during the Collapse. Guardians got memory wiped so we wouldn’t know and would fight for the Traveler. Since we were strong already, we had a leg up in terms of power.



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      • 由Zodleon編輯: 7/26/2024 1:56:52 AM
        The guardians not having inherent backgrounds is in my opinion an obvious story telling device to let ppl self insert their own pre guardian narrative, or accept not having one. Considering every player is treated simultaneously as [b]the[/b] guardian from their standpoint, and [b]A[/b] guardian from your standpoint. Not having a unified bsckstory helps with that set up, and not forcing a character onto ppl. So in Canon, your own head Canon (within universal limitations, you obviously weren't grebthar in your guardians previous life) is the actual Canon backstory of your guardian.



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      • Multiple players have posted stories behind their Guardians, so maybe Bungie intended for us to sort of imagine our own histories? It makes them seem more personal, I guess.



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      • Diving into the guardians previous life would break canon since we're all the guardian. It would either have to be unique to each player or the same for all of us.



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