Ten bounties an Episode doesn't cut it when there are 10-15 armor pieces added each Episode, with many more from previous seasons and expansions that I'd like to use!
New acts should not refresh transmog bounty caps. Instead, the transmog bounty cap for episodes should be tripled; you get the same amount overall, but people can pursue them at their own pace for the duration of the episode.
由xbroggiex編輯: 7/21/2024 1:28:47 PMThey should remove the transmog limit and allow transmogrification over exotic items with legendary ornaments. I have stopped engaging with the system entirely since like Witch Queen, because why would I use this blatantly shitty system that has hard caps on how many mog tokens I can have while also limiting the amount of tokens I can earn?
Or just get rid of the whole transmog system and make it intrinsic once you unlock it. Also if the system stays, why not add a transmog armor set in the later acts?
SILVERVERSE Inc. disagrees as it will affect our Sales number for the Synths we sell. Pardon our Dust and Kick Rocks I have to pay for my mortgage !! Thank you once more for buying Pixels ! I’m sure your online friends will think you are really really cool with that Helmet ! And if you wear the whole set a real woman will let you touch her BaH😂😂Bies ! Disclaimer: No real woman cares about your Transmog and will never let you fondle her in any way because of it.
I really need to stop blowing my synthweave experimenting on looks that never pan out well 🤧
[quote]Ten bounties an Episode doesn't cut it when there are 10-15 armor pieces added each Episode, with many more from previous seasons and expansions that I'd like to use![/quote] They will be refreshed next season so idk what your point is new acts release new weapons not new armor