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由Jadyn Hale編輯: 7/19/2024 4:28:32 PM

Regarding Orimund's Taste...

It looks like you guys put in a number of the Iron Banner weapons in twice, or at least they are read as such. On closer inspection I found a few of said weapons (that were never counted for Orimund's Taste) are both in and NOT in my collections. That is to say, there is a copy of the weapon's entries for said weapons. One is lit up and in the collection (but doesn't count for Orimund's Taste) and the other is not lit up and presumably is the one the task is looking at to see if we have it. Dilemma solved hopefully. But yeah, this dang bug is the only thing standing between me and the Iron Lord title... So I'd appreciate a real response and not the copy paste, IT, shut people up response of "It's being investigated" or "It's a known issue." I buy DLCs. I buy silver. I'm quite literally a paying customer. Please fix this instead of brushing off your players.



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