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7/8/2024 2:14:26 PM

Suggestion for Titan subclass buffs and their "melee class role"

I will keep the post structure simple for readability. [b]Arc: Changed Aspect - "Juggernaut"[/b] With full class ability energy and after sprinting for a short time, the Titan gains a frontal shield that blocks incoming damage. When the frontal shield breaks, the Titans class ability energy is depleted. While amplified, the shield blocks significantly more damage before breaking. [i]Added function: Allows the Titan to leap with a fist into the air after a slide, striking the target(s) before them, disorienting and jolting it. Killing the target amplifies the Titan. Being amplified while using increases damage done on the target and increases disorientation duration. [/i] [b]Void: Changes Aspect - "Offensive Bulwark"[/b] While the Titan has an Overshield or is inside Ward of Dawn, their grenade charges significantly faster, has increased melee range and damage, and melee final blows restore a small portion of the Overshield and extends duration. Gains an additional Shield Throw for Sentinel Shield [i]Added function: Using a charged melee after sliding makes the Titan execute a spin-slam attack with a Sentinel Shield, creating a void explosion in from of the Titan that suppresses enemies and makes them volatile.[/i] [b]Solar: Change - "Sol Invictus":[/b] Solar ability final blows, Hammer of Sol impacts, and defeating scorched targets create sunspots. The Titans abilities regenerate faster, and the Titans super drains more slowly while standing in a Sunspot. Sunspots apply scorch and deal damage to targets inside. [b]Entering a Sunspot applies restoration. [i](revert of nerf, the Titan can keep standing inside the sunspot to keep getting healed)[/i][/b] [i]Added/returning function: Striking a target with Hammer Strike makes them for a short duration more vulnerable to damage from all sources.[/i] [b]Stasis: Change - Tectonic Harvest[/b] Shattering a Stasis crystal or frozen target creates a Stasis shard. This shard grants melee energy when picked up by the Titan and their allies. While Tectonic Harvest is equipped, picking up Stasis shards grants a stack of Frost Armor. [i]Added function: Shiver Strike has increased travel distance and deals more damage to frozen targets.[/i] [b]Stasis: New Melee ability - Frost Sling[/b] Type: Ranged Description: The Titan creates a smaller Stasis crystal and hurls into the aimed direction. On impact, the small Stasis crystal detonates, freezing enemies around its impact. [i]Note: Yes, I am quite literally suggesting Titans going ape--blam!- with this melee and throwing rocks at people...[/i] [b]Strand: Change - Into the Fray[/b] Destroying a Tangle or casting the Super grants Woven Mail for nearby allies. While the Titan has Woven Mail, their melee regenerate rate is increased. [i]Added function: When Woven Mail runs out, it causes a severing detonation around the Titan.[/i] [b]Strand: New Melee - "Woven Blade"[/b] (idk if that name is already reserved) Type: Ranged Description: The Titan hurls a woven arm-blade into the aimed direction. On impact, it severs targets. Targets already severed become suspended.



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