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7/3/2024 6:35:16 PM

Theory on Ikora's power

This has been on my mind all year since I have been playing Destiny 2. If you don't know Ikora is a warlock and a mighty warlock. she has been seen multiple times using her warlock supers and how she can switch between two nearing in the space of 5 seconds. not only that but Ikora is strong not only physically but mentally as well as she had to deal with Cayde dying and coming back, Zavala being depressed about his family dying and now him being weak and having no light. So I think we should agree that Ikora has a massive power level and is probably more powerful than we Guardians. So let's think. If Ikora can use different subclasses to use different supers in the space of 5 seconds, could that mean she can use all of them in a short time and wipe out the witness since the witness is shown as the darkness? just think about it, Ikora could use if she wanted to all the different supers that a warlock can have to defeat the witness or create a large sum of damage. This could also mean that any titan, hunter or warlock in the tower or the lost city can use all the supers to defeat the witness or any overpowered boss like the witness if they possess the light. Any thoughts?
#destiny2 #Theory



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  • 由Mudd-11編輯: 7/3/2024 8:15:34 PM
    I believe the idea is that Ikora has greater control over Light based powers, not that she is the most powerful. She likely is stronger than the canonical Guardian, at least at the beginning of the Light/Dark saga, and was unbeaten in the Crucible, though I am not sure if she still practices as she likely is only focused on instructing new Guardians and managing her Hidden network. I am a bit unimpressed by the way they played out the [i]next to last[/i] cutscene where the group is escaping from the enraged Witness, not once did she use her powers like she did in the opening Red War cutscene when she "blinked" with Cayde-6 into Zavala's Ward of Dawn. Edited because apparently "pen" and "ultimate" together is considered unacceptable?



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