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7/3/2024 12:55:49 AM

Weapon Crafting Suggestion

Not sure if this has been submitted before, but it would be cool if you could craft a weapon with selectable perks. Say for instance I craft a weapon that optimizes perks for PVE, but I would also like the same weapon with completely different perks optimized for PVP. Currently, I would have to craft 2 different weapons and use up more vault space. Why not allow the ability to craft a full column of selectable perks, kind of like the weapons you get after resetting ranks for playlist activities? As for cost of resources, currently barrel and magazine perks cost 2500 glimmer, and trait sockets cost 10k glimmer and 3 cores for standard perks, or an ascendant alloy, 15k glimmer, and 2 enhancements prisms for enhanced perks. Just double those costs to slot 2 perks in one column, or triple it to slot 3 perks. This way I can pour extra resources into one weapon and make it way more versatile for different circumstances and save vault space.



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