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7/2/2024 11:25:38 PM

Where the destiny 2 stands

It's time to see where destiny 2 stands for me as of lately. First things first. Huge fan of the game and bungie. Very creative. But I kid you not alot things and the game caters to streamers and expansion owners. Where do non expansion owners or d1/d2 veterans stand? People who can't get their hands on expansion for example? I kid you not, for me I can't play anything without PS or dlc. It's a paywall and you telling me? Telling me you enjoy that? People enjoy that? Our gaurdians don't. I got on today expecting iron banner to be free and it's online requirements or ps allowed. You know where d2 stand for me then? Dungeons were free. Had match making. Raids were free and had match making. And it'll rotate that. Base game was raids, Dungeons, gambit, crucible and strikes. Etc. Now you get on. Everything is playstation plus required. This dlc required. I won't say it's dead it's true. The game itself, it'll tell you, it's dry. It's dead. Go back. Stop here. I kid you not, there was more to do then then now. So let me ask you something. Where do think I stand when I can't play iron banner? When I found out it's PS required?[the eyes can lie][/the nose cannot]



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • [quote]It's time to see where destiny 2 stands for me as of lately. First things first. Huge fan of the game and bungie. Very creative. But I kid you not alot things and the game caters to streamers and expansion owners. Where do non expansion owners or d1/d2 veterans stand? People who can't get their hands on expansion for example? I kid you not, for me I can't play anything without PS or dlc. It's a paywall and you telling me? Telling me you enjoy that? People enjoy that? Our gaurdians don't. I got on today expecting iron banner to be free and it's online requirements or ps allowed. You know where d2 stand for me then? Dungeons were free. Had match making. Raids were free and had match making. And it'll rotate that. Base game was raids, Dungeons, gambit, crucible and strikes. Etc. Now you get on. Everything is playstation plus required. This dlc required. I won't say it's dead it's true. The game itself, it'll tell you, it's dry. It's dead. Go back. Stop here. I kid you not, there was more to do then then now. So let me ask you something. Where do think I stand when I can't play iron banner? When I found out it's PS required?[the eyes can lie][/the nose cannot][/quote] If I could give you my game I would games beyond trash for me



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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