I keep getting Weasel and Anteater errors, sometimes after just 2 minutes and other times after 30 minutes. I have checked all the troubleshooting guides, I opened all Ports in my Router but nothing works. My connection is definitely safe and stable; I have no issues with any other apps on my computer. I installed Windows 11 and Destiny 2 fresh, but that didn't help either. I also tried turning off the firewall and anti-virus, but that didn't improve anything.
Thanks for reporting this. While they usually signify a networking issue, Weasel errors can also show up if:
[quote][b]A.[/b] You are Cross Saved and tried logging into two different platforms at the same time
[b]B.[/b] You were in an activity and a ban was placed on your account
[b]C.[/b] Your clan has special characters in its information or you have invites from clans that need to be removed[/quote]
Just in case you haven't tried those already, here are a few extra troubleshooting steps you could try:
[quote][b]1.[/b] Use a wired connection rather than Wi-Fi
[b]2.[/b] Quit any program or turn off other devices that are streaming
[b]3.[/b] [url=https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/6AD7-820D-8BE5-E51F]Clear your download cache[/url]
[b]4.[/b] [url=https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335]Verify the integrity of your game files (PC)[/url].
[b]5.[/b] Power cycle your internet router
[b]6.[/b] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13603]Improve your latency and packet loss[/url]
[b]7.[/b] If you haven't already, follow our [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13610]Advanced Steps Networking Guide[/url] for possible router solutions, such as enabling UPnP or changing your NAT type.
[b]8.[/b] Enable IPV6 on your router to see if that helps[/quote]