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6/28/2024 7:18:43 PM

Titan change Wishlist

I really hate how much TDT inspired me to make this. He makes a good point, titan does not feel special at all. Most subclasses are just a combination of the other 2 classes or just worse objectively. To give some background I am a titan main since Lightfall, started playing the game at Shadowkeep I've played all 3 classes, hunter the least. I do agree with some points TDT made for buffs and nerfs I think he's both thinking too small AND most of his changes do nothing or make the class worse to the class. Titans NEED a proper shakeup. I don't want to make titans OP, if anything here is stronger than it should be, nerf it. It's mostly ideas to make the class feel like it brings something unique to the table, which is why I don't really give numbers, best way to know is to playtest and I can't do that. If anyone sees these ideas as good and wants to/can send them to bungie directly go ahead. I don't care be credited. I just want a funner, more cohesive class. -------------Void------------- [b]Offensive bulwark[/b] - the grenade recharge boost lingers for (3-5) seconds after shield is broken AND/OR overshields YOU give to allies boosts their class ability regen (second one is very optional and made on the spot whilst writing this) [b]Controlled demolition[/b] - useless aspect, make the health it gives on volatile explosion an overshield Just that makes void USABLE and feel fairly unique AND can make Unbreakable on void worth using since throwing a nade generally more worth it [b]Twilight Arsenal[/b] - throw em faster, holy crap its such a bad dmg super just cuz of that, why the hell are all our one and done supers so bad at boss damage [b]Ward of dawn[/b] - needs to do more, well is a better version of it, when cast gives a buff that makes overshields stronger/do something when they break, maybe something like ADC/0 [b]Sentinel shield[/b] - honestly up its damage buff, its not worth the loss of a person to use this when solar warlock exists Mostly everything else is fine, the aspects just need to fit together better. -------------Arc------------- Amp feels like a throwaway buff for titan rn, give it more synergy with abilities and aspects, since we barely use it at all for more than the base. As TDT mentioned I think Amplified should be harder to get, no arc multikills giving it, possibly prismatic can keep this property OR you can give the aspects/melees/grenades amplified giving properties ONLY for prismatic [b]Thruster [/b]- is a HOIL sponge rn, dont give it more charges or any innate faster charge rate so it can break arc again, gives amplified when used near enemies... thats it, barricade is shite in pve imo this is better [b]Knockout [/b]- while amplified gives better melee dmg instead of when breaking a shield or killing, melee range increase should be removed Also why was it nerfed? It wasn't broken and would not have been broken in prismatic, you need light and dark to make it good, consecration and it are strong yes but you gotta have ideally a dark weapon to compensate and shackle nade needs to carry the dark side which is slow (melee will be strand but is effetively solar cuz of consecration) [b]Juggernaut [/b]- ... not sure what to do here, the other aspects really overshadow this in pve, i guess high dmg resist instead of shield with it becoming higher while amplified would work, imo this is not a pve aspect, put your effort elsewhere [b]Ballistic slam[/b] - heal on hits sounds like a good enough reason to use it over thunderclap, maybe something else as well but not sure what [b]Thunderclap [/b]- make it work with amplified, either more dmg or quicker charge rate, charge rate would be a wonderful combo with the thruster change + HOIL (note Skullfort can increase the range of all melee abilities including the cone of thunderclap and the AOE on Seismic strike) This subclass honestly feels fine to play but its not unique to the other classes. Warlocks have the same addclear on arc and hunters have us beat on damage and survivability. -------------Solar------------- IMO mostly ok as is In case we want to make both solar and titan more spicy, whilst also helping the whole "solar feels same-y on all classes" feel, here are some ideas NEW KEYWORD - [b]Soothe/(Re)Kindle[/b] (thanks clanmate for the second name) - BUFF - Recharges abilities faster and slows super drain/ups super duration [b]Sunspots [/b]- gives the new keyword [b]Kindle[/b], aspect increases effect of said keyword or this can be given to Phoenix cradle + something else, innately has the effect of Phoenix cradle to give the buff to allies [b]Phoenix cradle[/b] - gives resto x2 on sunspots, can this work on allies? no only the [b]Kindle[/b] is given since the description of Sol Invictus separates the resto from the ability regen don't think this will be used over their other solar exotics IF it only gives the resto x2 to titans, I also think resto x2 with the nerfs is fine to give to all classes, easiest being on warlock with just an aspect AND them uniquely giving it to all teammates - titan and hunter should not be able to give resto x2 to teammates, themselves? sure we have 6 subclasses its fine, not all will be on this subclass like last season [b]Ember of Benevolence[/b] - add [b]Kindle [/b]to the buff list [b]Ember of Blistering[/b] - insted of grenade energy it gives [b]Kindle[/b] to you and nearby allies I do agree with TDT that radiant is WAY too easy to get, hunters will still get it easily if its kill based. The fragment on Prismatic needs to be changed though which is the main issue, though I think it will be fine as is since Prismatic does not really have that much specific synergy with radiant And lastly I think the grenades need to be looked at in general, most of em are either niche or just bad. (Looking at you swarm and firebolt nade) Though like I said the subclass doesn't REALLY need that much of a change to feel special. -------------Strand------------- [b]Banner of war[/b] - remove the healing from the pulse, replace it with giving a buffed woven mail (45% at base, buffed is 55%) to compensate for healing loss [b]Drengr's Lash[/b] - why the hell do warlocks get this but better? (The wanderer) give it the abeyant leap effect of 3x lines, no tracking [b]Abeyant leap[/b] - keep tracking, also add killing suspended targets gives you melee energy [b]Into the Fray[/b] - new banner can make this aspect obsolete, 'specially with the thread of fury, destroying a tangle grants unraveling rounds to all nearby allies (to the tangle, with the same visual effect) -- this one can use more thought, since I think the banner change is too interesting not to implement but I'm not sure what to do here [b]Frenzied blade[/b] - VERY MUCH unneeded the changes above will make strand titan feel more unique than just another punch bot build- 1 less charge, suspends on hit instead of severing, makes it usable on prismatic and a unique melee on strand (compared to other classes *cough* hunter *cough*) [b]Thread of warding[/b] - why the is this not on finisher? [b]Thread of finality[/b] - since warding will be the finisher fragment this needs to change, im thinking like this - when a threadling hits a target it will spawn a miniature threadling (dealing less dmg than the original but scaling off its damage) I had an idea to make Flechette storm use super energy instead basically making it into titan blade barrage with the corresponding dmg, but then the new exotic (WISHFUL IGNORANCE) would need to be looked at most likely... or we can just remove the Flechette storm part entirely, don't think yall will want to make said change in any way. This subclass as of now is the most unique feeling "punch" build, making these changes does not push the insane dmg we had last season whilst making it feel more than just "Banner of war - the subclass" -------------Stasis------------- Controversially (probably) i think this subclass is for the most part fine after the FS DLC. We just have some useless aspects, lets change that [b]Howl of the storm[/b] - the crystals you make after sliding will explode just before the enemy thaws from being frozen (might be broken in pvp can be tuned to explode after for guardians since they thaw faster than normal adds) ---- secondary idea ALL crystals will explode after a set amount of time instead of disappearing [b]Cryoclasm [/b]- on top of its text - increases dmg of all shatters (enemy or crystals), stacks with the fragment... something else needs to be added, think this wont be enough Think this is by far the most fun titan subclass now and its unique, you are insanely tanky and you can spam crystals everywhere, making rezes simple and cover everywhere. WE HAVE AN ABILITY SPAM BUILD ON THIS SUBCLASS. FINALLY. The mobility on the melee is just the cherry on top. Also all the stasis exotics need to be buffed to compete with Cadmus ridge (diamond lance exotic), it is the baseline for a good exotic for stasis. -------------Prismatic------------- Its fine, do the changes above and nothing needs to be changed. Do I expect all of these changes to be implemented or for them to be taken one for one? No. These are just my ideas on how I can get excited to buildcraft on titan again.



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