Despite numerous glaive buffs and reworks the exotic glaives still feel pretty underwhelming. I mean they have their niche but its still a really narrow niche. So I would suggest adding some anti-champion capabilities and one or two perks to, once again, buff them.
First of all, we buff the reloading speed of the special shot.
Edge of Concurrence (Hunter): They have arguably the best glaive out of class specific ones but I would extent its potential a bit. Add overload rounds to every shot instead of it being tied to the special shot through jolt. I would also add voltshot to help its add clear potential along with feeding frenzy. The combo is pretty self explanatory here.
Edge of Action (Titan): Titans have a pretty interesting glaive with the ability to create a mini Ward of Dawn but the glaive still could use something more. I would add anti-barrier shots to it by default that could one shot any barrier along with destabilizing rounds and a special reload where proccing volatile explosion would add one round to the magazine per explosion from reserves. Shoot into a group of enemies, proc volatile, get ammo back into the mag.
Edge of Intent (Warlock): The one I don't know that much about but I'll give it my best. The healing seems pretty fine on paper at least but the glaive lacks in offensive capability. In keeping with the anti champion style, the warlock glaive would stun unstoppable champion with its shot by default. I would also add incandescent to it with a twist: any ignition would refill the weapons magazine from reserves.
If even these are not enough maybe we could add some extra spice: Hunter glaive now summons a lightning strike when stunning overload champions. Titans would weaken the barrier champion after breaking their shield with the glaive and the warlocks glaive would cause an ignition when stunning an unstoppable champion.
I feel like these changes would help make the exotic glaives a more useful tool even in higher end content where their shielding capabilities shine more.
Thanks for reading!
Out of the 3 Warlock one is in my opinion the weakest. Titan and Hunter ones have their uses and even have shining moments but the Warlock one has like no spot especially thanks to the fact the new helmet is basically just a better version of it.