PLATFORM: PlayStation 5
ISSUE: I cannot complete the campaign because I get error coded out of the Excision mission every single time. I have been trying sporadically for the past 3 days and different times, thinking maybe the servers are just backed up at different times, but regardless of when I do this mission, I will get kicked out of it 100% of the time. I'll be playing the game with no issues, no contacting servers, no lag, and the second I load into this mission I'll get contacting servers and I'll be kicked usually within the first minute of loading in. The error code is almost always weasel but I've gotten bird once. What's worse is they make you watch that unskippable cutscene each time you try load it, just to get kicked instantly and have to requeue and watch it again.
REPRO STEPS: Step-by-step instruction list on how to reproduce this bug, try to be as succinct as possible:
1. Load up Excision mission from Pale Heart director.
2. Watch unskippable cutscene, then return to orbit to be placed in the matchmaking queue.
3. Once the team is matchmade, load into the mission.
4. Contacting servers immediately upon loading into the mission or shortly thereafter followed by an error code (Weasel) and being kicked to orbit or the title screen.
EXPECTED RESULT: To be able to actually do this mission without getting kicked.
NOTES: I'm assuming its the extra strain of having 12 guardians in the one instance but it happens immediately before people even start spamming abilities and orbs etc.