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6/14/2024 11:05:10 PM

I beg, remove surges from raid activites

I have just done our weekly crota run with some friends (we are super behind, collectively missed a season or 2) Now before Final Shape, wasn't an issue could clear Ir Yut 1 phase without a problem and we had to conserve ammo on Crota just so we didnt run out of ammo at last stand, but now it is AWFUL to partake in these activities, we had had like 7 attempts at Ir Yut & then 4 at Crota. Now yes, we aren't the most "optimised" but we ALL have built into at least Solar weapons, with surge mods on etc, but thats because we HAVE to, not because we fancied doing so. Take the surges off and stop forcing people to use specific items to actually get through raids. It needs to be reverted.



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  • [quote]I have just done our weekly crota run with some friends (we are super behind, collectively missed a season or 2) Now before Final Shape, wasn't an issue could clear Ir Yut 1 phase without a problem and we had to conserve ammo on Crota just so we didnt run out of ammo at last stand, but now it is AWFUL to partake in these activities, we had had like 7 attempts at Ir Yut & then 4 at Crota. Now yes, we aren't the most "optimised" but we ALL have built into at least Solar weapons, with surge mods on etc, but thats because we HAVE to, not because we fancied doing so. Take the surges off and stop forcing people to use specific items to actually get through raids. It needs to be reverted.[/quote] So you want it to be even harder? Surges give an extra 25% damage from one of the elemental damage types



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  • 由AlistorX編輯: 6/14/2024 11:29:26 PM
    You do realize its not the SURGES that are the issue? Its that you can no longer out level ANYTHING because every activity has hard caps now? Before TFS you could over level and deal MORE damage to a hidden hard cap. But now that they are visible and on EVERY activity that has power enabled (outside of PvP).



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