The mission is a really cool concept about light and dark (or both, meaning both players would need prismatic) and you have an equality of the two forces.
The problem here? Nothing at all! Everyone just hates that It’s not solo-able, but then what would it be? I know I wouldn’t want to play a “Solo Destiny” mission, because that takes away the theme and the coolness of the mission.
Now me personally it wasn’t, and isn’t, hard to make an LFG and just run it like that. I even got the godroll bond-
Funny thing about the Dual Destiny is, that you don't even need to worry about your role within, given that you are both doing exact same things.
- The timer within is very lax, so you can make a lot of mistakes and still complete the activity without much of problems.
- Enemies are about same difficulty as they are in the Pale Heart -destination, so they didn't add any difficulty modifiers in.
- Respawns aren't restricted, so your death at most just slows you down a bit, but given the first point about timer.
Being said- you could literally run a no mic run and still finish in 30 minutes, giving you your so desired class item!
If there was an exotic gun in there no one would care, like wicked implement. The issue is it was marketed as a key selling point, then locked away in here. Regardless of anyone's thoughts the marketing was misleading