Unforeseen Consequences ship's lore Korean traslation error
I noticed that the Unforeseen Consequences exotic ship's lore tab is not translated correctly in korean.
the line of interest is :
EN : "Before then, I could have taken a different road. But once I pulled that trigger…" He shakes his head. "Everything else, I can set right. But not that. [u][b]I just wish I could tell him I shouldn't have done it.[/b][/u]"
KO : "그전에는 다른 길을 갈 수 있었지. 하지만 그 방아쇠를 당기고 나서는…" 까마귀는 고개를 저었다. "다른 모든 것은 바로 잡을 수 있었어. 하지만 그건 안 됐지. [u][b]그에게 그러지 말라고 말해주고 싶어.[/b][/u]"
In the EN ver, it is clear that Crow accidentally made a wish that he wants to talk to Cayde-6 and apologise to him.
But in the KO ver it seems like that Crow is talking to himself when hw was Uldren Sov. wanting to say that you shouldn't pull the triger. and it doesn't imply that Crow accidentally made a wish to Riven.
As an exotic ship for the season's finale, this is clearly a veary important line in the lore tab so I think the translation must be on point.
I think the correct translation should me more close to :
"내가 그러지 말았어야 했다고 그에게 전하는 것이 소원이야" = "I wish I could tell him that I shouldn't have done it."
"내가 실수를 했었다고 그에게 전하는 갓이 소원이야" = "I wish I could tell him that I made a mistake."
Not the current translation that is :
"그에게 그러지 말라고 말해주고 싶어" = "I want to tell him not to do it"
Most of the Korean player base plays D2 in Korean, not like me playing in English.
And I think this sould be corrected ASAP so everyone can feel the same OMG moment that all the EN players and I felt.
Thanks for all the hard work and I hope to hear from Bungie soon.