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4/26/2024 5:00:48 AM

Looking for Clan to play all content.

Pretty much the title. Do have a discord account, can be active. Looking to unlock them triumphs, titles, raids, etc. You name it, I'd be down. Just looking to actually get hooked again and find some gamer buds. 😎



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  • Malicious intent are looking for some fellow guardians that would like to join our clan to just have some fun shooting things, causing mayhem, getting into shenanigans, and having a laugh together. Now you might be saying “that sounds wonderful, in fact so wonderful it can’t possibly be true, there must be a catch” - well there isn’t one! I mean other than the $500 yearly membership fee and hazing.. I, uh, mean, “initiation” process. All jokes aside, all we ask for is you to be: Mature - age isn’t everything, it’s how you act, although most of us are in our 20s and 30s Active - the whole point is having people to play with for any activity, any time Laid Back/Chill/sweaty/casual All about having a good time playing a game that we all love to hate. That and you kinda need to join our Discord, you know, communication and all. We are big on End Game Content. Also, we are all currently UK and NA (east coast) but are open to anyone from anywhere! If that sounds interesting or good to you, feel free to shoot me a PM or comment here and we’ll get you an invite! Stay safe out there Guardians!



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  • The Avalon Knights [AVK] Calling all guardians[18+ and up]. We are a clan seeking epic gamers and friends to join us. New and Old are welcome! Please come and join! We are a clan that has gamers all over the world. We run all content offered in the game from low end content like vanguard ops all the way to endgame raid content. We also like to play many other games as well like FF14, Remnant 2, Helldivers 2, and many more. If you decide to join our growing legion of knights. Ping @Titan Vanguard Jasn @Warlock Vanguard FlawlessBeans @Hunter Vanguard (S-Tier) Shadow On the discord with your Bungie ID and we will send you an invite to the clan as soon as we can. Or you can look us up here and request to join from here.



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  • Veterans8 is currently recruiting players on all platforms and all time zones We are a primarily US based clan, but have players from across the world. We're looking for players that want to be active with others in the clan through regular team-ups and chats. We're also currently looking for players that like to actively help others as PVE/PVP endgame sherpas, and would be interested in being a part of our developing sherpa team. Here's our requirements: • 18+ • Join our Discord (link provided upon joining the clan) • Have a mic • Be active (minimum activity upkeep is monthly; we do work with players that communicate any needed absences due to life, work, etc) • Zero toxicity (humor is ok, but things that are inappropriate or toxic towards others are not ok- know the difference and respect others) • 2 week trial period for full clan member status (join some chats & team-ups, make some friends!) If you're interested, upvote/post a message below and apply to the clan through the below link! You can also DM anyone on the leadership team, and we'll respond as quick as we can!



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  • Malicious intent are looking for some fellow guardians that would like to join our clan to just have some fun shooting things, causing mayhem, getting into shenanigans, and having a laugh together. Now you might be saying “that sounds wonderful, in fact so wonderful it can’t possibly be true, there must be a catch” - well there isn’t one! I mean other than the $500 yearly membership fee and hazing.. I, uh, mean, “initiation” process. All jokes aside, all we ask for is you to be: Mature - age isn’t everything, it’s how you act, although most of us are in our 20s and 30s Active - the whole point is having people to play with for any activity, any time Laid Back/Chill/sweaty/casual All about having a good time playing a game that we all love to hate. That and you kinda need to join our Discord, you know, communication and all. We are big on End Game Content. Also, we are all currently UK and NA (east coast) but are open to anyone from anywhere! If that sounds interesting or good to you, feel free to shoot me a PM or comment here and we’ll get you an invite! Stay safe out there Guardians!



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  • Hey! I’m the founder of the clan Ahamkara Born. We’ve been around and helping each other for 7+ years. I’d be happy for you to join and take on the upcoming content alongside us!



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  • Not spamming, always read posts. Clan Name: Perfect Paradox™ Clan URL: Discord: Region & Platform: [NA/EU]/[ALL PLATFORMS] Hi! After jumping from clan to clan recently because people just stopped playing and communicate, we decided to reanimate a 6 yo clan and bring it to the top. Our goal is to create a strong community of active players for all types of game content. We have sherpas and we're ready to help new or returning players to catch up. And of course we would be happy to have more experience gamers which are ready to help others. We have a nice and organized Discord server (MANDATORY) that uses Charlemagne, with LFG and lots of different features. Our staff is patient, friendly and responsive. Join us if you want to be a part of the community of players who is hungry for a game and have no intentions to stop. Communication is a key - if you’re going to join and stay quiet better don’t join. Each of us makes clan active. If you have any questions, you can DM me anytime.



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  • Chain of Souls 25 an older clan...come check us out... We are a laid back clan that of course enjoys playing Destiny. Even though we are laid back we do push for the end game content. Let's be real..WE PLAY TO KICK A$$ AND BEAT THE GAME..otherwise why play. We want players who want to have fun and are also willing to help out their fellow clan mates to achieve goals and enjoy the Destiny experience. We want players who will do the end game content or who want to learn the end game content. WE WILL TEACH YOU...that is the whole point of being in a clan. You have to get involved with others and be willing to join chats and other players to get the true experience of a clan. We will give you that if you do that. We just want people who are willing to get involved with others that is the point of a clan. We have a few rules: Rule 1: HAVE FUN!!! Rule2: Download Discord..This is a simple chat app that you can download on your phone..we setup raids and other videos about Destiny..and of course chat with each other and have a good time. Rule 3: HAVE FUN!!! Rule 4: Friend your ADMINS we will help you get involved in the clan Rule 5: HAVE FUN!!! Plain and simple rules LOL



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  • Hey Nameless, If you haven't found a clan yet, I would love to recommend our small/rebuilding clan, The House of Meyrin. [b]The House of Meyrin[/b] is a small rebuilding Destiny 2 clan of adults consisting of all levels of players from Veteran Sherpa to New Light ⚡️If you are looking for a fun place to get connected and enjoy all the corners of the universe, look no further. What we are hoping to build - A group of fun and active adults (25+) - Active LFG channels for in-game needs from Story Quests to End Game! - Community Hosted Events (Fashion contests, private matches, maybe even some non-Destiny events.) - Destiny 2 specific discussions for all of your in-game needs! - In Real Life forums to share your foodie pics or your emotional support pets 🐱 - We are always open to suggestions but mainly want a safe and fun place to enjoy a video game with our friends! 😃 Interested in joining? 1- [url=]Apply for the clan here![/url] 2- Head to [url=]The Discord[/url]



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  • TDE Always Looking For New Members. If Interested Feel Free To Join The Server. We Have Multiple Clans That We Have. We Do Events Daily. Server Open To Everyone. Once You Join Let Us Know You Joining Clan Or Guest. Discord Link: Discord is required to be in Clan. Must join it before getting accepted.



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  • Hi there, below is a bit about us, if you want anymore info or have any questions let me know. The Mad House is a new friendly and welcoming 18+ UK/EU clan with some US members that play around the same time, we're looking for new and experienced players to come and join our crazy clan family. We are wanting to grow our clan further with active members who want a safe place to grow and learn the game together, learn new missions, dungeons and raids at their own pace and with a helpful and friendly team. If you're a new light/veteran/returning player or just looking for a more helpful clan, drop us a message if you'd like more information or if you'd like to join our discord for a few weeks to check us out. Drop me a message via Bungie or Discord. (trash_panda_3486) We're looking forward to meeting you !!



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  • Hello we are a chill laid back clan who likes to have fun and are not super strict! ☆All we ask is that people try and seek a fireteam in the clan 1st before lfging outside the clan and try to play on any activity as a clan once a week. I know we all have lifes and Destiny is supposed to be here to have fun not a chore. ☆I'm a gamer chick who's been running the clan sense D1 we meet all our weekly clan achievements! I have 6 patient helpful admins, GM, Raid, Trial and Dungeon leaders who love to help new players and put events together! We create PVP and PVE tournaments with the clan to win prizes for fun. ☆In our clan we have couples, new members who are learning and families in the clan from 21 and up mainly most of us are in our late 30s and some older! ☆Mainly we are EST and UK but we have all timezones, i have just moved to the UK so we have alot of both and all around help night and day to help be available for others. ☆In our discord we have a lfg in advance channel that we set all activities up for people to join in advance so we can group up or teach people raids etc and it also let's others set up all activities in their timezones so it lets us know who needs help in what to make sure people are getting help! ☆I recruit regularly to find people to play as a clan its not about numbers I have ran a big clan I recruit alot of members but I usually rather have a good amount of friends who want to play together then a bunch of random who don't play ever as a clan. ♡If you are interested message me or reply to post! We would love to have you join the clan family! 🤘💓



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  • Welcome to Alpha ™ Community + UK + USA + Xbox + PC + PS + 18+ + Discord Is Required We are a chilled clan mostly parents so we get it. We focus on casual and endgame gameplay from raid's, dungeon's and nightfall's etc. All we ask is that your active in the clan and discord we understand that everyone has lives outside of the game. We would like to expanded the clan and community together to create a none toxic and drama free space. Don't want to join the clan that's fine ! Join the discord as a friend of the clan and take part that way. Thank you Message or send an invite links below Discord Invite



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