Hey Guardians,
I am a 10 year Destiny Vet. I have played all expansions. I like going solo flawless in Trials. I like playing Master Raids. I like earning titles. Hunter main but play all 3 Classes. I have Conqueror Gilded 8 times. I have Swordbearer, Descendant, Fatebreaker, Dream Warrior Raid titles. I am always down to farm anything. I have all exotics and catalysts. I have all craftable weapons. I can play a support role, DPS role or sherpa some content. I am 1 challenge away from getting Paragon. Normally I am a forever 10.
I think I would be a great addition to a clan. I am looking to run with a group in Pantheon for the GodSlayer title and a day one raid for TFS.
But after TFS I am going to hang up my cowl. I would like this next year to make some memories and have fun doing it.
Also, I am 42, married with a kid. So I am know I am the meme. A dad of Destiny. So I would prefer running with those kinds of Guardians if possible.
Let's run some stuff.
Are you looking for an end game clan? We are Redux Gaming Community a chill end game clan mainly on PSN, but also accepting Xbox and PC players. We are looking for new end game players to join us. What we offer as a clan... A clan that will play the entire season and chase seals A very active clan that plays with it's clan members A very active social discord server. A clan that will help with endgame content. Weather it be dungeons, raids, raid challenges, GM's, Comp or Trials What we are looking for in new clan members *Players that will be... Active in game players that will socialize on discord (you know, get to know your clan members) players that will play with other clan members players that attempt to get seasonal, dungeon, raid or crucible seals players that are 21 years of age or older players that have the most recent content We are not only hunting seals, but also enjoy helping others get their first raid clear or first PVP seal. Members that live on one of these time zones Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific (time zones can make it difficult to play with clan members). If all these sounds like something you would like to be a part of then Check us out at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1877171 *Must be active on Discord. If you do not plan on using discord please do not request to join. It is where we socialize and set up activities. Keep an eye out on your bungie messages if you request to join.
Beta player here, we have a small band, very welcome to join our clan Hope. We're made up of friends, sons, fathers, uncles, nephews, daughters yada yada. Haven't finished quite as much as you, but I've gotten some good loot, completed every raid, every dungeon, GM's, trials - been flawless twice. Give us a shout, enjoy TFS! it's looking good. Wook-13-e
TDE Always Looking For New Members. If Interested Feel Free To Join The Server. We Have Multiple Clans That We Have. We Do Events Daily. Server Open To Everyone. Once You Join Let Us Know You Joining Clan Or Guest. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=5228712 Discord Link: Discord is required to be in Clan. Must join it before getting accepted. https://discord.com/invite/U2TGQ4KHZZ
Xi Morior Invictus iX is recruiting for endgame PvE players. The type that like to grind out raids, dungeons, Grandmaster Nightfalls, etc. We also go for whatever titles/seals there are to acquire in the game as well. Also, if you're a hardcore PvP player but want to start getting in the PvE endgame side, check us out. We are mainly based in the US, however, we do have a handful of people located in the UK/EU timezones as well. We are a cross platform clan, so your system does not matter at all. We have a Discord set up for comms and to set up activities, like raids, dungeon runs, etc. It is required to join the Discord server upon entering the clan, because if you don't, you'll just end up missing out on everything, as where Discord is where all the members chat. We are also a clan that likes to joke around and have fun, so we may end up roasting you/each other, all in fun though. We are a dysfunctional bunch that have lots of laughs together. On top of that, we have an Among Us clan night about every 3 or 4 weeks where it's just a bunch of chaotic fun in Among Us. And several players in the clan are now playing Diablo 4. As well as playing Borderlands 3 together. So we have a small variety in the clan, it's not just Destiny all the time. Quick rundown of some things we do: ⚪grind out raids, and eventually earn the seal dedicated to the raid (ie: Fatebreaker, Disciple-Slayer, Rivensbane, Dream Warrior, etc.) ⚪ Will be grinding out Pantheon and for it's Godslayer title, once it drops on April 30th. ⚪Sherpa people through raids/Dungeons if need be. We have several members that are always happy to be a teacher/guide. ⚪Run dungeons, for either pinnacles or to farm armor stats or weapon drops. ⚪Focus on gilding Conqueror whenever Grandmaster Nightfalls roll around. ⚪We also play Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris as well. ⚪Peak play times; Monday-Friday: usually 3pm-8pm Est, sometimes later on Friday. Saturday & Sunday: random times throughout both days, sometimes starting at 12pm Est or a tad earlier. ⚪Among Us clan nights where players are very sus and trust is broken. As well as grinding out in Diablo 4. A few even play Call of Duty, whether it's multi-player, Warzone, or Zombies. If you're interested in joining, let me know. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1991382
Hey, we're a group of laid back adults and currently looking for new friendly people. No pressure, no elitism, we understand life comes first. If you're tired of clan drama or ridiculous requirements, this might be the place for you. We welcome everyone, regardless of skill level, experience, platform or time zone. We're not interested in your KD or raid report, however we'll ask you to join our discord server, because that's where we hang out with each other, schedule raids and look for teammates. Since we want to maintain a mature atmosphere, min age requirement is 20. You're welcome to check us out on discord. No obligation, if you decide to join, our admins will help you out. Clan's name DΞSTINY :) https://discord.com/invite/fKHC9Ccc8Y