About 150+ days ago, a video I created was featured in a [b][i]This Week In Destiny Article[/i][/b].
The week it was featured immediately after lay-offs for the community management team happened. Nobody in my video received the emblem at the time myself included. After constant back & fourth mis-communication for 90+ days the whole team received the emblem but me?
I think the reason was due to "spam" of the Missing Emblem form which I submitted weekly as instructed by other people but each week was seeming to be purposefully ignored.
The form used:
It now seems I cannot even submit any tickets anymore due to my Ip being seamlessly blacklisted. My intent was not to spam the form at all. I was informed if you don't receive a reply to just resubmit again. Not sure if I'll ever get my emblem from this but here's the video & TWID it got featured in below:
TWID post featured:
Video post:
I just want to make it clear I do not really care that much anymore but decided to submit something here because who knows, I also understand that this type of thing can happen but I just think my intentions were misjudged. Appreciate any help on this even though I expect nothing of it anymore.