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6/19/2023 6:00:10 PM

Seventh Column Emblem Tracker Still Not Fixed

Since Shadowkeep, many players have been unable to track Seventh Column medals on their emblem. There have been a bunch of posts asking about this issue, but there has been little clarification. Will this ever get fixed? I have over 1,000 Seventh Columns (proof in the linked video) and am still unable to track them on my emblem. How many do I need? I have tried with numerous emblems and have pulled other emblems from collections or earn a new emblem and it never appears on the tracker. Someone brought up this issue two years ago and was acknowledged, and when the issue was described perfectly, the responses stopped. The tracker was added over three years ago, and this issue still has not been fixed. I would love for this to be fixed so that players who get their first Seventh Column or their 100th Seventh Column are able to track them. Thank you!



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  • I'm just here to say congrats on getting 1000 of them, holy carp lol Side note, it's crazy how you only have 11 annihilation medals (kill the entire enemy team before any respawn) to show for it, I would have guessed a lot more with that many 7th columns. If it's any consolation, you have my unwavering respect for your skills, cuz I will probably never get ONE of those medals, or even come close to a We-Ran or anything like that 😅



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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