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12/5/2023 11:59:53 PM

Please change the Transmog Token requirement for Iron Banner ornament set.

As the title says. The way this works is the Iron Banner armor ornaments must first be acquired for engrams... and then also transmogged after that? Why. Just make them auto ready to be transmogged to every player at that point. There's no point to the double layer of purchasing them. Either [b]A[/b]: remove token requirement. Highly recommend this one. Or [b]B[/b]: Remove engram cost completely. its not even armor its a ornament no reason to cost the same as protective statable armor. Knowing Bungies blind greed, they'd probably go for option B so as to push players to purchase more transmog tokens if anything. But one of these need to happen. Thanks for attending my rant, -Duvain



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