First off, this is not intended as a full rant, more of a listing of rants I've seen with just my thought ramblings as possible solutions. Granted, I'm not a D1 vet nor have I as much history with the game as most others do, so be patient with me and my thoughts.
[b]Legendary shard exchange/what to do with excess shards:[/b]
I've seen a lot of ppl talk about their "thousands" of shards and having nothing to spend them on, and also referring to Rahool's stingy alloy allotment per day. Are you telling me you get more than 2K shards a day? Because you can spend a lil over 2K shards a day at Rahool. Cores, prisms, alloys. Shards for glimmer exchange. There's a few things "you" can spend shards on. For players like me (still considered a NL, and I don't have DLCs nor season pass), shards are sometimes hard to come by.
For those who have their weapons and equipment maxed out, there's nothing more needed to be spent on. So my ? for them is... Why complain about losing all those shards you don't even spend? Again, for me, I don't get enough shards to even be able to get prisms and alloys once a day to masterwork the gear on my Hunter and Titan I just made about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I have yet to fix my Other Half and Half-Truths swords that Bungle messed up when the Ammit glitch was fixed. I lost enhanced Eager Edge on one, and enhanced Relentless Strikes on the other. Not to mention I lost enhanced Demolitionist on my BxR rifle I had with both enhanced Demolitionist and Incandescent on it. So I've got 3 that need fixed and can't even get enough shards and alloys to do that. I could farm rank resets from Vanguard, Gambit, Crucible, and Banshee... But Gambit has been a -blam!- show lately, and Crucible is so broke, I can go to Disneyland and back before I'm loaded into a match. The grind is real. Again, I don't have DLCs nor season pass... I'm one of those F2P players. Most of y'all are D1 vets with countless years into the game, stockpiles of things I'd die for, bought most of everything you have... Of which I [i] can't [/i] have because it's paid content items only... Yada yada.
Of the content I can participate in, I'm usually running behind all the Green Lanterns watching ads and bosses turn into green shreds as I try to catch up with them to shoot something once to get a +1 added to my 75 targets bounty. I'm forced to grind due to all the "pay to play" pros I'm matched up with because somehow or another, I finally broke the 1800 LL on my Guardians. Don't have anything to spend your legendary shards on? Wish I had that problem. I don't have the shards to spend.
On a related note, I've tried to find a clan that works with ppl like me. [b][i][u]HA![/u][/i][/b] Right... I've clanned up like maybe 5 times? One of which I later found out (because I didn't check first) were all PC players and used text chat. I'm on Xbox... text is not easy. I managed to tell them I was F2P and didn't have content, I got invited to join a fireteam, asked what it was about, never got the answer, went ahead and joined, and wound up somewhere I've never been doing something I've never done. Guess who died incessantly and got booted off the fireteam? I joined another one (currently on it and about to leave it) that was Xbox oriented. Haven't talked to any of them in the 4 days I've been with them, and they're all doing GMNF. And i can't do that. Looked at their roster this morning... Over half their players haven't even been on in over a year! So no help there for any Legend content that I [i]can[/i] do.
In short, so many complaints about shard finances, having X-tousand shards, nothing to spend them on, when "you've" had what? Months? A year + to spend them? How about throwing them all into a bucket for Thanksgiving or Christmas for the less fortunate? Hi, my name is Less Fortunate. 😁
Anyway, this is long enough but I want to add that I'm not really ranting, just more of a smh situation reading all these Ebenezer Scrooges losing currency they don't spend. Don't worry, Bungle will most likely do an exchange like they did for Spinmetal and Helium filaments and all before they went the way of the Dodo. Once a day. In limited quantities. From Rahool. It'll be alright.
TL;DR [spoiler]git gud[/spoiler]