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由RurouniDante編輯: 9/23/2023 3:53:53 AM

bungie, return solo trials pleeeease!!!!!!

i always play agains full stuke of titans..... add solo trails or delete the titans!!!!



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  • Yesterday I had a teammate who ran to Station, and would just crouch and hide there. Every. Single. Round. Not shoot anything. Just hide. While me and the other guy are fighting in a 2v3 on the opposite side of the map at Deck or Pad Today I had one who ran off on his own, and died first literally every round, causing us to get stomped. And when we get to round 4-2 or 4-3 or something, broski just starts yeeting himself off the map like he’s put in too much effort already Instead of a solo queue, I’d just like to see infinitely better matchmaking. You know…moron protection. Like rng-protection, but for trials 😂



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