Titan's Consecration Aspect and Exotic Pyrogale Gauntlets in Gambit causes issues with mote collection
I've been using the new Pyrogale gauntlets in Gambit with the Solar Titan's Consecration aspect. Consistently (at least once every game) I've encountered issues where there are motes on the field that cannot be interacted with, i.e. you run over them and they stay on the ground and cannot be picked up.
An extra issue this can cause is that it stops you from picking up motes at all despite not being full, meaning you have to bank with whatever you have in order to continue to pick up motes. (My current suspicion is that the game thinks you've picked up these uninteractible motes and thus thinks you're full before you actually are)
After discussing with friends we managed to figure out it was some issue with either consecration or the pyrogale gauntlets. Using other builds/classes does not cause this issue.
P.S. Can recommend pyrogale with consecration and monte carlo. Juicy firenado action.