Legendary ornaments would hide what exotics you’re using in pvp so therefore cannot be allowed. Instead try playing without an exotic armor piece if you can’t make them match with your lame single set fashion.
How would it hide what you’re using? You can still inspect and it wouldn’t change the name or quality of the item. In PvP modes that show you opponents load out before match it would stil show exotic name and quality just the look would be different. It wouldn’t be any different than exotic ornaments that change the look.
Not only are most exotics noticeable enough you don’t need to inspect a guardian, which is how it should be as the time between respawns is short and you’d be afk if you stopped to inspect a player but in gametypes like trials, the only place that shows you the opponent before the match, you can swap your gear after loading in past that screen. People do it all the time. It would mean your opponent never could tell what they have while you also don’t have the time to be constantly inspecting them either as you need to be looking and helping teammates.
When you apply that ornament, the pic changes to the ornament, seeing how this is a legendary ornament it would make the exotic back drop purple with the ornament on it not the exotic. Now my chest pices looks like the ib chest piece on the character screen but I'm actually running curis, or actium, or hoil. The other team won't know as it changes the pic on the character screen an you would have to inspect all gear 3x. This also let's me switch exotic with out the other team knowing, just dump a purple ornament on all exotics now I can freely switch exotics while they still think im running the same one since game started.
Honestly I've wondered the same thing, you can inspect ppl flying in an see gear, personally I've rather not, some ppl switch weapons to counter other load outs from the start of a match, sometimes its annoying. Id rather them not show it, and give use some cool entrance animation other then loading in, but I'm sure support for this would be minimal, most ppl will get upset, if they stopped.
Truthfully, in my case it doesn't matter if I know what others are running or not, the game will say what killed me anyway, lol. I'd just think it's more of a demonstration of skill to be able to adapt on the fly rather than getting advanced warning (even if it is only a few seconds) of what you're up against.