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8/23/2023 12:00:37 AM

Less work making some supers and aspects than a new subclass

Assuming every Light subclass gets a new Super and Aspect - they’ve effectively made made a bunch of exotic traits without items. Also makes little sense in the lore why a one off of entering the Pale Heart grants new light powers but wouldn’t diminish Stasis/Strand (or why the powers will linger once leaving the destination). Another fake out with a single enemy release rather than a new enemy type (surprised they didn’t just reskin Taken the way they did Cabal in Lightfall). As someone -blam!- playing during Warmind (how empty the game felt then), the cosmetic Fortnite seasonal grind isn’t worth it. I’ll just buy missing seasonal exotics after the fact - since it’s all archived. Forsaken / Opulence / BL (jeez even season of the Drifter has a really interesting story + thorn quest) — are we ever moving back towards that? I don’t think so. I don’t see much reason to play. I’m glad BG3 is apparently such a masterpiece - I’m going that way.



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