So, far starters, I was playing Destiny yesterday before reset and nothing was wrong with the game. Load it up after reset today around 12, and as I'm trying to get past the start screen and select a character, I get audio from someone else's game, it's like I'm watching a Youtube video through Destiny 2 just without the video for me to watch. After listening to the audio for a little bit longer, I can tell it's Vow of the Disciple based off of the dialogue between Mara Sov's introduction and Rhulk interrupting her. However, it's not just dialogue audio I can hear. I can hear sparrow engine noises, players fighting Scorn and the subsequent firing of guns and explosions. It makes the game unplayable because I cannot turn down this audio, and cannot turn this off on my end.
Desperately need help from someone on the dev team or at least a mentor. Someone help, please?
In case the link above doesn't work, I'm posting it here also.