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由Haruto Aoi編輯: 7/19/2023 8:25:10 PM


thanks for all the offers and messages!:)



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  • Hey, I hate to be the copy paste guy, but this is mine. Have a read and tell me whatcha think? -Used to be in a clan but it disbanded? -Tried other clans but couldn’t get anyone to help out? -LFG give you anxiety because you don’t know what to do? -Trying to make some actual friends? This is why we created Mass Relay. A couple of us have fallen under all of these categories. Our goal is to create a clan that doesn’t make you want to turn party chat off. Or give up on trying raids and dungeons because people can’t be patient enough to teach anymore. The saying goes “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. It’s greener where you water it.” Well, I’m here to build a community that teaches its clan mates so they can have more fun. And have the ability to readily hop in any activity. Veteran destiny players can tell you how fun it was to get into a group with your friends and go into a raid blind not worried about when they will finish it. But exploring it and seeing what it had to offer. Here are my requirements. Must be 1810 light and must use discord. ….that’s it. As long as you communicate and participate within the clan, then we can all have a good time. P.S Don’t be afraid to ask for help with an activity. We are here to have a good time. I don’t want my clan mates to not have a good time.



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  • D2 Clan Info Welcome Guardian, Here we only go on the word of the Hero of the six fronts himself yes, Saint-14. We plan on helping all Guardians whether your old or new to the game we want to help you! Our main mission is us all coming together enjoying the game and having fun whilst making sure everyone has the knowledge to run everything off by heart , and also to teach all aspects of Destiny to any other players who are returning or new to the world. So that being said if you want any help or would like to help us on our mission to prepare others against the enemy then please get in touch with one of the Guardians mentioned Below. We tend to hit season story missions , nightfalls , dungeons and crucible on weekdays and Raids and Trials on weekends ! Things we focus on and help with: Story Missions Strikes Nightfalls Crucible Trails ( Mic Required ) Gambit Dungeons Raids Want to join on our Mission ? Or Want to eventually become a Clan Leader/Admin ? Join here and learn the way of helping and teaching others and who knows you may get picked for promotion ! Heres who to contact below ! Owner: CJAS32HD Admins: PsycoLoki TattDRage71 BushYorFace Teh Jellyman



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  • ✨Our MFT Community has something for everyone ~ Experience is Shared, Knowledge is Gained, Support is Provided, Guardians are United - No One Gets Left Behind {All Platforms} MFT is a place to Escape to for Relaxation & Big Fun. All we ask is that you just be respectful to each other and check in at least once a month. "Moving Forward Together" All members are active- Some choose solo gaming, others play with their friends, and then there are those looking to make new friends. They all get it done. Some enjoy being a part of an active discord community, and some do not. The choice is yours. All divisions below are active multi-platform, endgame, friendly clans- Most importantly is we all game together- so take your pick. Enjoy the freedom of choice. Our discord is an active Gaming Community filled with friendly, helpful, loyal, humorous, fun-loving members from all time zones, and we intend to maintain it as our special toxic free place where we meet up daily and it is members only. *****We have a fantastic team of members willing to help you get those 1st raid clears***** Although Discord is not a mandatory requirement, I have yet to figure out how some gamers survive without it. It's a place where teams are created. We encourage use but will never demand it. Whether you’re changing clans, returning or starting out - our door is open, and you are welcome. **************************************************************************************************** High Lethality Force (HLF) Join the Force '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Combat Assault Team (CATS) ~ Our Solo Gamers ~ Gaming Their Own Way """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Strategic Ops Squad (SOS) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Task Force One (TFO) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''" Moving Forward Together (MFT) (Main clan)



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  • Veterans 8 is recruiting (all platforms, PVE/PVP Endgame) We have a great group of players who play pve/pvp and all endgame content. Casual or hardcore, we are here to play together and help each other. We have lots of helpful friendly players, and we would love for you to join us. Especially looking for raid and PVP sherpas. We are looking for guardians who will play with the clan. Real life comes first that is understandable just let admin or clan founder know you are busy. Discord is required to communicate and set up events. Mics are required for activities like raids and Trials that need comms. Clan requirements are as follows: 1. This clan is 18+ only. 2. Follow the rules. 3. Join the discord server it is a requirement 4. Have to be active in the clan at least once or twice in a week to stay in the clan after a month of inactivity you get warning then kick from the clan 5. Have a mic for raids and other activities that require communication. If you are interested in joining, send a DM to the founder or admins or apply to the clan here: Veterans 8 Clan |



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  • We are mostly endgame PVE players, weekly raids, dungeons, and GMs (with plenty of Sherpas to teach new guardians). We also enjoy casual PVP. We are 21+ We are a Discord based clan. Join the Discord and request to join the clan through Bnet. You can request to join through our clan profile Join the discord as well to be app



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  • Looking for an open community and clan? Well, here we are: CR0W'S N3ST VOL. 3 Clan Name: CR0W'S N3ST VOL. 3 Clan URL: Region & Platform: [NA + EU]/[ALL PLATFORMS] We are here to aim, shoot, and cause chaos. We are an active clan that everyone from all walks of life has became a part of. We have human parents, animal parents, military peeps, peeps that are gay as hell and love it, smarta$$s, and loveable goofballs and nerds in our group of misfits. We range from Day one of D1 vets to a few who just picked up the games. Overall we are a clan where it's not all about the game, but just forming a clan you can thrive and make friends in. We span all platforms and discord is mandatory in order to set up fire teams and raids. *Mandatory discord activity once a week *Clan enrollment is no longer required but preferred Please come join our chaos and have some fun. Discord -



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  • Hello we are a chill laid back clan who likes to have fun and are not super strict! Im a gamer chick thats been running the clan sense D1 we meet all our weekly clan achievements! All we ask is that you join up and play with the clan once a weeks at least on any activites, ask the clan to do events before lfging and use discord for communication. We dont ask for much but to help each other and play with the clan when you can, I know we all have lifes and Destiny is supposed to be here to have fun not a chore. I have 6 admins, GM, Raid, Trial and Dungeon leaders who love to help new players and put events together! Our leaders like to put different tournaments like PVP and PVE with the clan to win prizes for fun. We have couples, new members who are learning and families in the clan from 18 and up mainly most of us are in our late 20s, 30s and some older! Mainly we are xbox EST and PSN but we have everything psn, steam and a some people from UK incuding myself i have just moved here as well! If you are interested message me or reply to post! We would love to have you join the clan family! 🤘💓



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  • Hey here is a copy of my clan post let me know if you think you'd like to join! Hi everyone I'm Jet an admin of our clan Slaynihilate. We are a small laid back group of guardians that love to play destiny. We are looking to add a few more guardians to our ranks to do more endgame pve such as raids, trials of osiris, grandmaster nightfalls and other end game content. We would like to add some laid back guardians who are over 21. Message me on PSN or on here my gamertag is everyonehatesjet. Either me, the clan leader, or another admin will have to play with you first to see if you are a good fit for the clan. We do this to make sure we have good quality guardians with a sense of team play and respect in our clan. We want everyone in the clan to feel welcome and appreciated amongst our ranks so we do our best to include everyone we can in various activities. To sum up our clan it is perfect for skilled and semi skilled players who are looking to do endgame content while laughing rather than having someone yell at you for making a mistake. Lfgs can be painful which is why we would love to build a group that can always rely on each other for help and everything in-between. If you are a mature laid back guardian then this clan is for you. Good luck with your search and thank you for taking the time to read our post.



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  • Clan Name: CR0W'S N3ST VOL. 3 Clan URL: Region & Platform: [NA + EU]/[ALL PLATFORMS] We are here to aim, shoot, and cause chaos. We are an active clan where everyone from all walks of life have became a part of. We have human parents, animal parents, military peeps, peeps that are gay as hell and love it, smarta$$s, and loveable goofballs and nerds in our group of misfits. We range from Day one of D1 vets to a few who just picked up the games. Over all we are a clan where its not all about the game, but just forming clan you can thrive and make friends in. We span all platforms and discord is mandatory in order to set up fire teams and raids. *Mandatory discord activity once a week Please come join our chaos and have some fun.



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  • End game clan looking for end game PVE/PVP players Are you looking for an end game clan? We are Redux Gaming Community a family friendly clan mainly on PSN, but also accepting all console players. We are looking for new end game clan member to join us. What we offer as a clan... A clan that will play the entire season, not just the first 3 weeks A very active and inclusive clan that plays with it's clan members A very active social discord server What we are looking for in new clan members *Players that will be... Active in game players that will socialize on discord players that will play with other clan members players that are attempting seasonal, dungeon, raid or crucible seals players that are 21 years of age or older players that have the most recent content We are not only hunting seals, but also enjoy helping others get their first raid clear or first PVP seal. Members that live on one of these time zones EDT, CDT, MDT or PDT (time zones can make it difficult to play with clan members). If all these sounds like something you would like to be a part of then Check us out at *Must be active on either Discord. If you do not plan on using discord please do not request to join. It is where we socialize and set up activities. Keep an eye out on your bungie messages if you request to join



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  • clearly you need some help with Vault of Glass mate, come over we'll help you out Clan TLDR: • Be mature • Have current season and Lightfall (duh!). • Have discord. Jokes aside, drop me a message if you want to chat.



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  • Interested in joining a clan that’s not excessively big? Then we could possibly be the clan for you. We just want people who enjoy playing the game and can socialize with others. We like to have fun and not think too hard about the game. Life is too big for all that. So if you like to play all the games within the game, then come join us. No requirements. Well a mic would be helpful haha.



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  • [b]Hey Blue! I think you’d really like Bulletheads. Our motto is “All are Welcome” and we have a huge Crossplay community. You’ll find lots of helpful, friendly people that are willing to train on just about any activity D2 has to offer. While we require Discord, don’t worry if you’re new to it! We’ll help you get set up and learn how to best use Discord. Come check us out and message my Admin sportnut101 or Myself brokenwingz2369, directly. We are in Lynx and we would be glad to take you in.[/b] RECRUITMENT POST: DISCORD SERVER:



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