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6/26/2023 4:26:30 AM

More than one options for melees and supers

Ever since subclass 3.0 we have had some great options to vary builds to our liking. That being said some subclasses have not received as much love as others, its hard to argue subclasses are balanced when some only have one option for a super or a melee. I was thinking about a melee that could fit the trapper void hunter style of gameplay and thought up of a void throwing hatchet kinda similar to the throwing knife but with more or an arch. It would be sick to see clips of cross-map hatchets taking out players in the crucible. IDK I've always liked to build crafting and currently a lot of my builds are solar because that has the most subclass diversity and I would love to see more melees, supers, grenades, and aspects in general.



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