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4/16/2023 10:35:06 PM

Trials seal Safe Harbor progress

Hi! I just won a Trials match with a player that hasn’t been flawless this season, and at the end I saw that they’d got their seventh win and were on their way to the Lighthouse (congrats!). Safe Harbor is the last triumph I need for my Flawless seal, but my progress didn’t advance from 2/3 Lighthouse assists after this match ended. I’m just wondering if this should’ve counted towards my triumph progress? They weren’t in my fireteam as we were 3 solos vs 3 solos, but I thought this still would’ve counted as I was part of their team for their Lighthouse game. I can give details on the match time + date and relevant players if needed. Any info on this would be great, thanks!



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  • [quote]They weren’t in my fireteam as we were 3 solos vs 3 solos, but I thought this still would’ve counted as I was part of their team for their Lighthouse game.[/quote] That doesn't count, you have to be in their actual fireteam and not just their matchmade team.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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