Show us Common Information and allow for User-Filters for Crucible Matchmaking
I am once against asking for some basic functionality that most games offer or have intrinsic to the algorithm used in matchmaking.
TL;DR - Show ping to others in numerical form, show ping to Bungie's host. Show region and input method used by other players. If people are concerned about toxicity, they can report, block, and use privacy settings. Allow players to restrict PvP matchmaking to a local region and allow PC players to disable crossplay like you do with consoles.
1. Please show me my latency to other players in the lobby. You already grab this data using the Steamworks SDK. It is important to help to diagnose hit registration problems and determine if it is my side or someone else's connection. Show me the numerical value instead of a white bar. I used to be able to monitor this prior to the incorporation of the Steam UDP Relay service using a script on my firewall, but I can't anymore.
If people are concerned about toxic players, use the report function and chat privacy controls.
2. Please show me the latency to the WorldServer and ActivityHost Bungie manages. This would help to diagnose PvE issues where mechanics seem to be buggy and know if it is something going on with the game servers. This can also work alongside the lobby-latency values previously mentioned to maybe determine if it is a p2p issue.
3. Please show me the input method and region another player is from. It would help to identify if their suspicious behavior might be due to latency/desync exacerbating controller AA or maybe they are using a cronus/XIM via mouse and have that controller AA with mouse precision.
1. Give us the ability to opt in to local, regional matchmaking. I live on the US-East coast. In a competitive game, I should never be matched with anyone more than a few hundred miles geographically, which would exceed a one-way packet speed of 40ms, so a round trip of 80ms+. A warning could be showed to players that queue times might increase and after 90 seconds of waiting, they can be prompted to suspend the restriction for the current queue only.
The client offered Americas and Europe. When that was a thing, I encountered far fewer people who lived far from me and PvP felt much better. I can't go more than a game or two without seeing people teleporting today. I have 4Gb business fiber and use enterprise networking gear to run and monitor my network as I do network automation in my career. I know it is not my connection and the game tends to match me with UK, Aus, and Asian players more than it does with players near me.
2. Give PC players the ability to opt-out of matching with consoles, including when they are with another PC player. Every game I've played that uses P2P and offers crossplay has latency problems and consoles can be a few seconds out of sync. I was able to do this locally and see a 2300-3500ms delay between my PC and PS5 on two different fibers in the same house. Until this is improved, I do not want to encounter a console in a crucible lobby.