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3/17/2023 11:41:39 PM
Fill out the appeal form. That is all that can be done.



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  • As stated, a ticket was opened, an appeal was put in, and the system automatically denied the appeal. We're looking for answers and solutions, not regurgitated information from a system that Bungie has implemented to avoid investigating falsified bans like these. We're talking about an account that has several years worth of play time without any prior issue until today.



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  • All appeals are reviewed by Bungie security.



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  • That in itself is what is confusing all of us right now is that the account has been clean for years, several in fact. Thousands of hours of play time, thousands of dollars invested into the account for items and rare items that may very well be no longer available to the playerbase. My friend has gone through a lot on said account with their partner and myself through content, and to lose all of that is obscene with zero answers to the reason of why. [url][/url] There is absolutely no reason provided to my friend (who's name is blotted out for anonymity). If it is as you say, and a Bungie Security employee did indeed review, then there should have been a reason for the account's suspicion in the first place. We're trying to find answers as this has directly impacted our fireteam, and our raid group(s) by proxy.



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  • Bungie does not release details of bans. The appeal process is only to verify the ban was placed correctly. It falls upon the players to review the ban page and their PC or play history to determine the cause



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  • I appreciate at least some form of insight beyond the implemented system. It's obviously not the answer(s) we're seeking but it's obviously the only one(s) we're going to get. As you can imagine, the fact that after several years of game time and building our fireteam and raid groups together to have one of us banned for what appears to be no reason whatsoever is heartbreaking to all of us. It's been the reason why we play together as a team / group. I will pass the information provided onto the group as a whole but I cannot help but be understandably infuriated on their, and their partner's behalf since it seems like it was all that time wasted despite the fun had. Appreciate your time.



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  • PC? Running cheats, mods, trainers, debuggers/IDEs of any kind?



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  • As stated in a previous comment, we have all been playing together for years, and my friend and their partner for even longer than that. The account itself was at least several years old. The only thing we ever had prior to Lightfall was DIM and everyone and their brother used that system before it became integrated during the Lightfall release. The account has never had a game ban, and as also stated, the account had thousands of hours played on it leading up to the ban. None of us would risk that kind of tiime, effort, and money on something that has been the cornerstone of our play time and free time in our fireteam and raid nights. It's absurd. The only thing we can think of right now is either their account was compromised or spam-reported enough times to trigger a response like this from any system.



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  • Spam-reporting only triggers investigation, not automatic bans.



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  • There are no answers nor solutions; if the appeal was rejected, that's the end of it.



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  • And as I stated, the appeal for is the ONLY option. It is not automated, a Bungie SRT member reviews the account.



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