For some reason, I cannot login to my Bungie account when trying to make a ban appeal for my Destiny 2 account.
During the ban wave prior to the new RoN raid, my account got mistakingly banned, I'm a frequent world traveller who uses his gaming laptop to play occasionally and my little brother plays at my parent's home.
Yet whenever I try to make a ban appeal it sends me back to the home page of instead of opening up the Ban Appeal form.
I kindly ask the mods of this forum to help me out so I can make an appeal if possible.
Thanks for reading through. :)
I'm having this issue as well. I found out in the middle of a Dungeon run last week that my son had found some website to pay people for carrying him through Trials the month before (to impress his friends, I guess?), and since he did it on my profile, my account got banned.
The real bummer about it is that I hardly ever play any PvP (mostly just for the occasional Pinnacle), and I've been playing Destiny ever since D1Y1, so it looks like all those years of play and enjoyment was flushed away while I was at work. I have countless hours of gear and grinding put into D2 all the way from Season 1, and unless the ban is overturned, it's worth nothing since I can't access it.
I'm hoping Bungie can cut a little bit of slack (MANY people have told me it won't happen, I know), and I've tried to submit the Ban Appeal Form countless times, but every time I click on the link to open the form, it asks me to sign in again and reloads the Bungie Login page instead of the Ban Appeal Form. This happens to me on 4 different browsers through 3 different devices. I would be MORE than happy to give you an update if I find a way around it. Best of luck to you!