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由Storma編輯: 2/13/2023 12:31:02 AM

What could of been. (Strand Titan Ideas)

First of all, I respect the time and effort put into the strand subclass for titans. I am however upset with what could of been in its place to combat a bunch of things that titans in my opinion, need. Bungie describes this new class as giving us survivability tools and a range "option" to get close and personal to the enemy. I don't know about anyone else, but in most end game content you don't particularly want to be up close and personal to the enemies, with the few exceptions being a few bosses, and even then it's with the weapons not the super. An idea I've had for a while which would of given titan an actual ranged option for a super, is a transformers type super, where the transformers turn their arms into cannons and heavy artillery weapons. I had two ideas, one for a roaming super, and one for a one and done super. The roaming super would of involved the titan using strand to weave two Gatling gun type gauntlets to his arms, then being able to move around, albeit slowly to balance this, while being able to aim and fire these guns. Of course while shooting and aiming the super, you would move even slower, can't have it being mega op in PvP now. For the one and done super, it was essentially the same idea, but instead of Gatling guns, equipping two cannon arms instead (think death cannon from soul eater), and being able to fire a devastating projectile at the enemy. You would be immobile while doing so, and I think it should at least have a second or two to charge up before firing, giving the essence that you are literally about to unleash a powerful attack. Those were my two ideas I liked the most, I had a bunch more which I will list below, but those ideas above are the main ones I thought of. Other ideas for weapons included; A Greatsword, being able to slash and send out those slashes forward, cutting through the air, being on brand with strand as the attacks tear through the fabric of reality. The heavy attack would be almost like the hive sword super attack, sending a rippling wave across the ground in front of you, travelling a fair distance. A Minigun, similar to the Gatling arms idea but this would be either a waist height Minigun, or perhaps one mounted on the shoulder (think the old star wars battlefront 2 game, with the red clone trooper), this would also be a roaming super, but would of course solve the range issue titans have. Other gun ideas include things such as a flamethrower (this one is my least favourite, as I don't see strands idea as being able to set fire with the threads of space), a rocket launcher and a powerful sniper rifle you'd have to stay still for and shoot a one and done round. An idea which also would of been good, and forgive me for not knowing the name right now. The giant bows that were used in the past. Imagine a titan forming it from the energy, planting it's heavy frame in the ground, and drawing back a powerful arrow for a big burst of damage. Anyhow, these were the ideas I had for the strand subclass for titans. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a hate post, or anything like that, I appreciate bungie giving us more content. I'm just upset that to me, its another melee focused roaming super. Thanks for reading all the way if you did...uhh....have a great day! Please share what you think!



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