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由Cole Caufield (On Fire)編輯: 2/6/2023 3:58:49 AM

Some Suggestions for Exotic Weapons

With Lightfall coming soon with new ways to stun Champions, I wanted to propose some improvements to Exotic Weapons that I feel have so much potential in PvE. I decided to take 2 weapons from each slot and give them a little “spice” that could really help them in endgame PvE content. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT REAL NEWS, JUST MY OPINIONS ON WHAT COULD BE DONE TO MAKE CERTAIN EXOTIC WEAPONS BETTER. -Quicksilver Storm (Kinetic - Strand Auto Rifle) • This weapon gains Intrinsic Overload when firing the Full Auto mode. • The Catalyst gives the grenades Unstoppable rounds. • Max grenades up from 3 to 5 • Added a new way to gain Grenade Charged stacks: kills! Rank-and-File ennemies will give 1 Grenade every 2 kills. Minibosses and Champions will give 2 Grenades. The continued fire will continue to give stacks of Grenade Charged. • Grenade blast radius increased by 1 meter. -Cryosthesia 77K (Kinetic - Stasis Sidearm) • With the Catalyst, players can now store up to 2 rounds of LN2 Burst in their magazine. • LN2 Burst will now stun Unstoppable Champions. ——————————————————————— Energy Weapons: -Vex Mythoclast (Solar Auto Rifle) • Overchage now gets Intrinsic Unstoppable Rounds. • The Catalyst will now make minibosses, Champions and bosses give 3 stacks of Overcharge. Rank-and-File ennemies will still give 1 stack of Overcharged. Guardians inside of PvP and Gambit will keep giving 2 stacks. • Vex Mythoclast will now be considered an Auto Rifle, with its Overcharge firing mode being considered as a Linear Fusion Rifle by the game now. -Lorentz Driver (Void Linear Fusion Rifle) • Lorentz Driver gets Intrinsic Anti-Barrier Rounds. • Stunning a Barrier Champion with Lorentz Driver creates an EM Anomaly. • The Catalyst now gives EM Anomaly the ability to Suppress ennemies who survive the explosion for 2 seconds in PvP. (4 seconds in PvE). ——————————————————————— Heavy Weapons: -Heartshadow (Void Sword) Heartshadow is a Dungeon Exotic. It is rare by nature, so it should be worth grinding to get. I felt that as it is right now (3 weeks before Lightfall), it’s just not good enough and is heavily outclassed by other Exotic Swords. It needs to be unique, and the changes proposed reflect that mindset perfectly in my opinion. It now becomes a great option for Void 3.0 builds. • The charged Heavy attack will now stun Overload Champions and make them Volatile upon stunning. • Base ammo reserves up from 50 to 54. The Catalyst reserves up from 56 to 62. • The Catalyst will also give Heartshadow the Repulsor Brace perk. • Impact up from 64 to 69 -Xenophage (Solar Machine Gun) • Added a Catalyst obtainable through the Pit of Heresy Dungeon. • The Catalyst will give Xenophage deeper ammo reserves (up from 28 to 34) and Intrinsic Anti-Barrier rounds. Obviously I did not cover every single potential weapon that could use a little love by Bungie, so leave some weapons in the replies and what you think Bungie should do to give them a little more pep! (all the edits are for minor typing errors)



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