Bug Report - Prophecy - Mote bank light VFX may not show in final encounter
[b]Actual result:[/b]
When in the final encounter of the Prophecy dungeon, after doing enough damage phases so that you return to the original arena (the one when you first enter the encounter), it is possible that one or two of the mote banks will not have the beam of light to tell you which type to deposit.
To note: It is still possible to bank the motes but you need to guess which type it is. Therefore its just that the VFX are missing
[b]Repro steps:[/b]
1) Play through the prophecy dungeon
2) Reach the final encounter
3) Enter the damage phase 3(?) times
4) Re-enter the chamber in which you started the encounter
5) Look towards the mote banks
6) 1 or 2 of the banks may be missing their VFX
[b]Repro rate:[/b]
[b]Further info:[/b]
I was going for solo flawless but it also happened on my solo non-flawless run. This only repro'd when returning to the original room but happened both times. I don't have any footage or screenshots as I was going for flawless so it was fairly low on my priority list at the time.
If you need further info or something feel free to contact me on twitter @ItsWonderPhil