All focusing for engrams need significant nerfs to cost.
The inconsistencies season to season are ridiculous and the focusing cost needs to never change and be significantly lowered. Bungie the engagement bloat is predatory I pay to play not have to pay again in arbitrary grind for of all things shards. The game is constantly stingy doesn’t not respect player investment and triple dips in time cost and weekly lockouts. None of these systems benefit the player in any way whatsoever they neither take into account skill or knowledge.
Constantly putting the community in a lose lose situations is the primary proponent of toxicity. These system serve the player in no way and only serve a shareholder. Most developers strike a balance between this to where a player never needs to speak on these topics and rarely is met with such unnecessary friction. Please let the merit of the game be on its substance not arbitrary predatory and addictive tactics that encourage play for the worst reasons. Investment team stop inflating the worth of rewards nothing you make will ever be worth the grind you believe stop being evil and treat the players with respect. I won’t be engaging in any of these systems until their costs are significantly lowered or not at all.