Possible "motes disappearing" bug in Prophecy Dungeon.
I decided to work on getting solo flawless prophecy, but this bug is really hindering my progress. I attached video showing what I'm talking about; sorry if it's too long, but it happens MULTIPLE times during the 12:30 minutes of the video. Basically, I pick up motes and then they all disappear. This has never happened to me before, beside the occasional mote not registering. But this full stack of 5 just goes *poof* for no reason. Other times it's totally fine. Also, at the end of this run there are three snipers spawned in the room, which I thought was also very odd. Just seems really buggy all the sudden. Bungie please look at this and tell me if it's a me issue or a game issue; and please fix or tell me what could be wrong on my end.