Been having my run at trying to solo flawless dungeons with the new solar builds. Decided to give duality a go after watching multiple videos on YouTube. Now here's what I have noticed. Why does it feel like I'm constantly under fire when I'm trying to solo a dungeon but some streamers I've watched seem like they take little to now damage when they solo a dungeon or even a nightfall. I could have the sane exact setup as esoterikk but it seems like on xbox series x I'm legit having issues. I understand that 99% of YouTube streamers are on pc. But im noticing that console is not working as smoothly as pc. Why do pc players get such an advantage over console? It seems entirely unfair because it makes it next to impossible for console players to achieve a solo flawless. My biggest issue is the boss fight in Duality. For some god awful reason I keep getting killed by Caiatl but she has been no where near me. I could be on the other side of the room and it says killed by the architects for some reason. This has happened to me at least 3 times in the past hour while trying to start up the damage phase. But I fail get teleported back and try to attempt to kill the incinerators and out of nowhere I'm killed by the architects. Not to mention the incinerators are absolutely ridiculous. Everytime I try to kill one I seemed to get booped by the pair simultaneously and go flying across the room. This shouldn't be a thing just because both incinerators booped me at the same time. Yet there is no one really mentioning how glitches the dungeon is on YouTube because it seems like the game mechanics are working perfectly fine on pc. Is there any plan for bungie to possibly address console issues? It very much seems like console is getting left behind and bungie is just favoring the game working smoothly on pc. It really seems unfair that some of the greatest feats can only be accomplished if you have a pc.... will bungie address these issues about Caiatl randomly killing players or even how ridiculous the incinerators are? Or is the only viable option that I invest in a pc. Seems kind of pointless considering I've been on Xbox since crota days....