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由Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds編輯: 6/4/2022 3:37:55 AM

The grind for world drop/playlist weapon rolls is awful.

To this day I have yet to get the roll I wanted for Royal Entry. How long ago did that release? I don’t even care about it anymore. That should never happen. Now I know this is just a random RL and not a big deal weapon wise, but that’s just unreasonable. Now we have weapons dropping with perks like Incandescent. Perks specifically designed for synergy with subclasses and abilities. I love bows. I’ve seen two Strident Whistles drop so far. The perk pool for it is massive. What are the chances that I get the roll I want on it this season? Or this expansion? So low that I don’t see a point in going for it. I also want a specific roll for Lunatala. I’m currently using the one Banshee sold on the first day of the season because it has Headstone. I have wanted a stasis bow with Headstone since that perk first released. This bow doesn’t have a masterwork and I do not want this first slot perk. I have gone from 7000+ shards to under 1000 already this season focusing umbrals for different rolls on weapons. I have not seen a single Lunatala drop with Headstone. Still haven’t gotten Ogma with the roll I want either. I’ve played mostly IB this week and had at least 30+ Riptide drop. Two at a time several times. Only one had Chill Clip and not a single other option in any slot was what I want for this weapon. It also has a fairly large perk pool for a fusion. Then there’s Staccato which I’d like with Incandescent(especially if Strident never drops with it for me) but again, it feels like an uphill losing battle going for these weapons. Couple that with not having seen the new linear from the dungeon or the new Calus even once yet, let alone a red bars to be able to craft it. It feels like RNG is getting away from you guys again. Can you please reel this in a bit and give us a way to better target farm weapons with massive perk pools or from sources with large pools of different drops? The Duality loot table is a nightmare(pun sort of intended). The boss drops everything but two specific weapons only drop from that encounter so they have to compete with the entire pool. Who thought that was a good idea? I don’t ever want a 52 stat roll armor drop from the strike playlist. Ever. No one does. Ever. Why is this a thing? Make the armor only attainable through the associated vendor and make ONLY weapons drop from the actual activity.



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