Mida Mini tool is really lacking in range, recoil direction and maybe reload. Even with the +1 zoom it will get next season 37 range is worse than any currently used smg.
It doesn't need to be the best smg in the game or anything but seeing as it and Mida multi tool are a double primary loadout it would be nice for it to start hitting damage fall off at 19 meters instead of the 14 meters its at now.
If a bungie employee sees this please consider it, and thanks for the cool game.
I would love for it to have performance that’s at least on par with Funnelweb - maybe more. Being the companion in the Mida combo should make Mini-Tool more special than it is now.
In fact, I hope the Mida combo gets more attention from the weapons development team to give it better perks when used together. There are lots of great ideas floating around in the forums and YouTube.