I am in the Preservation mission, trying to do the puzzle to unlock a lore book page and it is not working. This is the second character I have tried it on this week. There used to be a work around, like enter all four (melee, melee, interact, shoot), then melee the first one again and it would work but that seems to not fix it anymore. This has always been a bit buggy but before this week I have always been able to unlock a page..
I have tried this on two different characters, and am currently playing on PC. Does anyone know if this bug has been acknowledged or if they changed it so you can only get the lore page by playing the same area in the raid?
Still bugged.. Or i don't even know, i did the raid with one group and someone did the thing and i got a lore page but when i did the raid with another group and tried it didn't work. Also tried preservation mission solo just now and that didn't work either.
it worked for me when we did it in the raid with 4 players, 1 symbol each at the same time. I think its meant this way.
I’d love to know what’s going on with this as well. I thought I was loosing my mind trying to complete the puzzle today. If this is how it was supposed to be and the ability to solo it was actually the bug, that definitely wasn’t clear in the patch notes so I’m hoping this is just a new bug and will be fixed at some point.
Okay, we got it. So here's what you can do...do preservation with full fireteam of 3. One person has to do an extra symbol. It works that way.
It is still bugged. I have done it all of the ways possible just like in the videos that I have watched. 1,2,3,4 .....1,3,2....1,2,3. It doesnt work.
Same thing. It's not letting me activate more than 2 symbols. When I go to do the third symbol it turns the first symbol off. When I do the forth symbol it turns the second symbol off. I tried dozens of times. Yes I know how to do the puzzle.....
There are people saying that all symbols have to be done at same time. This can not be true since in preservation the puzzle is still available and you can only have a fire team of 3. So the game is crap once again. Thanks -blam!-.
I confirm the information of one of the participants in this thread. I faced the same issue. I found three friends and they helped me. After the last patch, Bungie changed something. Now you need to do melee + melee + interact + shoot at the same time with your friends.
Seeing on reddit that a lot of people are having the same issue both in the mission and the raid. Solo or in groups people have not been able to activate it. Trying to find confirmation from Bungie that its bugged or if im just doing something wrong
It hasn't been bugged since the latest patch, it was *fixed* in the latest patch. Does nobody read these things?