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2/23/2022 6:46:07 PM

unable to finish the hive ghost since..

me (pc) and my friend (xbox) were playing through the legendary campaign when we get to the first time you crush a hive ghost. I was fire team leader and host and he grabbed the first ghost at the same time i did, we both saw ourselves, and each other do the finisher, but he is now unable to finish any ghosts, while I still am. we thought it was a minor bug to where only fireteam lead could do finishers but when we picked up another friend(also xbox) we found out that that was not the case. we have not been able to get him to finish ghosts, even having him going back to the mission incase he missed some sort of queue or gate he had to pass through to grant him the ability. we dont know how to fix and want to avoid uninstalling and reinstalling.



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